10 new CAS Sliders (Breast, Hip, Waist, Butt, Head and more)
It seems the Pets patch changed the way the sliders work in game somehow. While they still can be installed and used, there may be some unusual deformations on your sims. So please be aware of that. You may continue to use them if you can live with this, but otherwise please wait until I provide an update. Note that this will probably take some time as I need to reinstall and update the game, find out what things EA changed, maybe adjust the necessary modding tools and finally adjust the sliders to the new behavior (if possible). Seems to be a lot of work? It is. And I don’t have much time currently, so please be patient.
As I posted here, I started working on Body Sliders for Sims 3. A beta-version was uploaded in this thread.
Included are:
- Breast (female teen-elder)
- Waist (all ages and genders)
- Hip Size (all ages and genders)
- Butt (both genders, teen-elder)
- Head Size (all ages and genders)
- Shoulder Width (all ages and genders, was experimental before)
- Neck (all ages and genders)
- Chest (all ages and genders)
- Leg width (all ages and genders)
- Calf (all ages and genders)
The head size slider and the neck slider will appear in the head region, the other sliders will appear in the mouth region until someone manages to create a new region in CAS.
These sliders are genetical and will be always visible. For example, if you use the breast slider on males, there will be no visible changes, but you can influence, what genes they may forward to their children.
These sliders use quite realistic ranges that work well on all fit/fatness states and all clothing. If you require more extreme sims, you can use a slider multiplier hack, as included with Awesomemod or NRaas Master Controller, but look at the issues below.
Known issues:
- The basic female t-shirt (the first in the list) has some strange bone assignments. I tweaked the breast slider, so it should look okay in most cases, but it may look bad on very thin and very muscular sims with very large breasts. If you want to be sure, install GnatGoSplat’s T-Shirt Replacement Meshes fix (highly recommended). This is not needed since LN as EA fixed their meshes.
- When using a slider hack that increases the slider range, you will notice, that with the waist slider, the upper body and head will shrink on extreme settings, and with the hip and butt slider, legs and feet will shrink. Also, the hands may begin to shake. This is by design and can’t be fixed unless you redo/create bone assignments for every mesh. This effect is unnoticeable in the default slider range.
- The arm position is changed by the waist slider and the hands may intersect with the hip on extreme settings.
- The sliders aren’t affected (or are reset) by the randomize function. (this behavior changed with LN, now the sliders get random values as every other slider)
- The adult breast slider is rather pointy and unrealistic, but probably still better than the LN slider. I’m working on it.
Slider limits:
The game has a hardcoded limit of 20 sliders per section. This unfornuately means, that you can’t install unlimited sliders. As the game already has a lot of sliders, there are only very few free slots:
- Head & Ears: 2
- Eyes: 3
- Nose: 3
- Mouth: 7
As 2 of my sliders go into the head section and 8 of my sliders go into the mouth section, you can’t install all my sliders at the same time without hacks. In this case I suggest installing everything but the calf slider. Also, you have to be careful if you have other sliders installed because they need slots, too.
You can install for example Twallans Master Controller and Master Controller Integration, this Slider Hack, Awesomemod, or any other mod that increases or removes the limit. But all these mods only work for specific game versions (this means if you update the game you will need to update them too, or you will get startup crashes or other issues) and they may conflict with other core mods (Twallans mods don’t conflict, because they are no core mod).
If the game is crashing at startup after installing a core mod, or you are getting messages about incompatible mods, you probably
- use mismatching game/mod versions
- use multiple core mods at the same time
- don’t have the d3dx9_31.dll in game\bin (only necessary when your mod is not in your my documents directory)
You have to install the package labeled BASE in any case, as it contains all the texts for the user interface. Apart from that you can choose freely, what sliders you wish to install, if you make sure, you don’t exceed the slider limit.
Please follow the default package installation instructions.
If you previously used my 5 (or 6) sliders, just download the new ones and overwrite the old files. Sims will retain their body shape (with the exception of very small tuning changes).
Problem: My game crashes after installing this mod!
Answer: Make sure your slider hack and and your game version are compatible and you don’t have old hacks installed. The sliders themselves should not be able crash the game.
Problem: My lip/jaw (or whatever) slider stopped working!
Answer: You are exceeding the slider limit of 20 sliders per section. Please install some mod to remove/increase the slider limit. Or uninstall sliders to stay under the limit.
Problem: It doesn’t work!
Answer: Please follow the default package installation instructions.
Problem: It still doesn’t work!
Answer: They work. Either you put the packages to the wrong location, or your framework is not properly installed. Maybe try Delphy’s Framework tool. Maybe try installing another mod so you can be sure if it’s my sliders or a general framework problem.
Problem: I can’t find them! / Where do they appear ingame?
Answer: Don’t look where the fatness slider is. They are actually facial sliders so they are in Head->General and Mouth->General. See the rightmost screenshot. Try to scroll down.
Problem: I’m too stupid/young/foreign/lazy to understand the install instructions! I still have issues!
Answer: I’m sorry, but I won’t explain everything again and I can’t tell you more as I already wrote here. If you have a specific question or problem you can ask me, but I won’t reply to posts like “I can’t get it to work!” or “I don’t understand the instructions!”. I got several messages from people who had problems, and I just told them to read and follow the descriptions again and then it worked for most of them. So just read and try it again (and then maybe again) and if it still doesn’t work and you have some usable problem description, you can pm me or leave a comment. Please note that this download has a lot of comments and I can’t reply to all. If you think you have an important topic (and not some random “I can’t get it to work”-post where you tried it only one time) and I forgot you, please write a pm which I tend to check more often. But trying to add a comment first is probably a good idea, because other people might be able to help you, too.
Question: Can you make a arm/bodybuilder/eye/height/belly/whatever slider?
Answer: Sorry, I don’t have plans to create additional sliders at the moment. There are already a lot of sliders from different people.
Question: Does it work together with Awesomemod or another core mod?
Answer: Yes. If the core mod itself removes the slider limit (as Awesomemod does), everything is fine, else you have to make sure you don’t install too many sliders.
Question: Where can I find other sliders?
- Head shape slider by me
- Height slider by Delphy
- Breast sliders by Delphy
- Ear sliders by CmarNYC
- Facial Sliders by bella3lek4
- Feet slider by Nik Sim (german site, registration needed)
(List is incomplete, just google)
Question: Can I use them together?
Answer: Of course. Just make sure, to either stay under the 20 slider limit or otherwise install a core mod that removes the limit (recommended).
The sliders work with all currently known game versions (tested up to version 1.29) and should work with all future versions, unless EA does big changes to the slider system. In game versions after 1.24 there may be minor deformation issues as explained at the top of the page. They work on PC and Mac. Some people have reported that they work even with The Sims Medieval, but I don’t have this game so I can not give you install instructions or support for this.
The possibility of a conflict with other mods is nearly nonexistent as a conflicting mod would need to use the same instance IDs. Therefore a conflict can only happen, if someone wants to produce a conflict, or if someone does a really bad job at cloning my sliders and publishes his/her sliders with the same IDs.
Additional Credits:
I want to thank Delphy for his Small Editors and everyone else, wo did research and wrote tools, that helped me creating this (s3pi, s3pe, MilkShape exporters/importers, Blender, Wolfram Alpha, Gimp, and many more).
Thanks to everyone, who tested this and sent me feedback or translations.