School Milestones Addon
I wanted my sim children and teens to have a few more milestones in their school life. So now you can send them to prom (teens), school dance (child), schedule graduation ceremony with attendees (teens), and it also randomly assigns a school picture day and allows parents to sign up for parent-teacher conferences. Because sometimes I want them to experience things without me planning an event so these are rabbithole interactions…
Requires: Parenthood, Discover University, and Seasons
**Also Requires: Lumpinou’s Mood Pack. Get it free HERE .**
Attend School Dance (children only):
Purchase a ticket to the School Dance (available only to children on the computer) on Thursday-Saturday nights between 5-7pm. A friend will call when it’s time for the dance and invite your sim to go with them. You can only attend a dance once a sim week. Dances take place after 5pm and lasts about 2-3 hours.
Attend Prom (teens only):
Purchase Prom ticket (available only to teens on the computer) on Friday or Saturday nights between 7-9pm. Your sim will receive a notification when it’s time for prom and can choose to go alone, with a date, or with a friend. You can only attend prom once a sim week. Prom takes place after 7pm and lasts 4-5 hours.
Graduation (teens only):
Schedule graduation by “Reserving Graduation Tickets” (available only to teens on their birthday and the day before). After reserving tickets, like in the Sims 3, everyone in the family will get the day off to attend the ceremony (unless someone is already at work in which case you need to bring them back first) and celebrate the grad. They will receive a notification and from there the sim can choose who’s accompanying them to graduation and direct them to attend the ceremony. They have chance, based on their final grade, to be valedictorian or graduate with honors. Valedictorians will get a boost in learning all Adult skills!
Parent-Teacher Conference (parents only):
Parents can sign up on the computer for parent-teacher conferences with their child’s teacher. Use the computer to sign up and receive a notification when it’s time to attend. The Sim parent can go alone or with the other parents. Conferences are available Monday-Friday after 4pm. Conferences can only be scheduled once a sim week by one parent at a time. So technically you could have two conferences by choosing a different parent. Attending conferences will raise the Parenting Skill.
School Picture Day (children and teens):
Get a notification on picture day. Hopefully your sim looks there best! Either way, they’ll feel some way about picture day. Picture day happens off-camera during the school day, but the buffs from the experience will last for several hours.