Legacy Personality
Legacy Personality adds aspirations and traits from Sims 3
Description: Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going.
The trait is under the lifestyle category. These sims will occasionally get a confused buff.
Description: Brooding Sims often can’t help themselves from contemplating the riddles, mystery, and meaning of life. Sometimes the weight of these incredibly deep thoughts can become a distraction, and can actually slow down the creative process slightly.
The trait is under the emotional category and is first available as a teen. The trait has two new social interactions and will often ‘Need To Brood’. These sims gain creative skills at a slower pace, lose happy emotions faster, lose relationships faster, and can feel misunderstood from conversations.
Description: Your Sim gains charisma skill more quickly. Your Sim gets more out of relationships than other Sims.
The trait is under the social category and is first available as a teen. These sims build relationships faster and gain the charisma skill faster.
Description: Handy Sims are the best tinkerers. They love tinkering and will gain hands-on skills faster
The trait is under the hobby category and is first available as a teen. These sims love creating things and will gain the handiness skill faster and can create better products then the average sim at their skill level.
Heavy Sleeper
Description: These sims love sleeping, all they want to do is sleep. It is very difficult for these sims to be woken up.
The trait is under the lifestyle category. These sims often require more sleep than others.
Hopeless Romantic
Description: Hopeless romantics passionately seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels.
The trait is under the social category and is first available as a teen. These sims lose and gain romantic relationships faster. The flirty emotion decays slower. When rejected/broken up, they will feel greater heartbreak than normal sims. These sims also have a unique social interaction called “Gaze Into Eyes”.
Description: Irresistible Sims are quite charming, although often times they might get more than they asked for! Dates will be easy to find and others will flock to socialize with them, because they’re just so irresistible!
The trait is under the social category and is first available as a teen. Irresistible sims will gain charisma slightly faster and will easily gain relationships. They have a unique interaction called “Wink At”.
Description: Losers encounter woe and misfortune throughout their lives beginning with school and continuing into their careers. They will fail and fail often. They won’t get mad even when life falls apart. They’ll just cry.
The trait is under the social category. Loser sims will lose relationships and happy/confident buffs faster. They will feel sadder compared to typical sims.
Description: Over-Emotional Sims experience greater mood swings than other sims both good and bad things happen to them, They are constantly shedding tears of joy whether it’s at a wedding or just their couch watching romantic television.
The trait is under the emotional category and is first available as a teen. When sad or angry they will erupt with emotions.
Photographers Eye
Description: Sims with the Photographer’s Eye naturally learn photography more quickly than other Sims and tend to earn more Simoleons for the photos they take!
The trait is under the hobby category and is first available as a teen. These sims will gain the photography skill faster and will take better photos. They will want to take photos.
Description: Rebellious Sims take special pride in putting it to the man. Causing trouble (and getting out of it) is their speciality! Whether they’re out being mean or protesting, they’ll no doubt take extra pleasure for it.
The trait is under the lifestyle category and is only available as a child and teen. Rebellious sims will complain about school and can protest to other sims. They will lose and gain relationships faster and negative buffs will decay faster than normal. They gain the mischief skill faster, they can get a rebelled buff whilst in a conversation or after school.
Supernatural Skeptic
Description: There’s a world of magic and unexplainable wonders out there, and Supernatural Skeptics don’t care for any of it. That stuff might be exciting for some, but Supernatural Skeptics prefer the security and comfort of normality.
The trait is under the social category and is first available as a teen. They will get a ‘Fake’ buff around supernatural sims. Supernatural Skeptics find it harder to learn the Vampire Lore skill.
Description: Workaholics love to work and rarely become stressed from working. Workaholics make the best employees.
The trait is under the lifestyle category and is first available as a young adult. Workaholic sims will never feel a negative emotion from work, when they don’t have a career these sims can occasionally feel stressed when they don’t have a career.
Aspirations/Life Time Wishes
Career Category
Career is a new aspiration category currently, it has 2 aspirations. The trait attached is ‘Career-Minded’.
Chess Legend
Description: Logic is cold and calculated – an impenetrable fortress that cannot be undermined by passion-filled banter. Chess is the battleground for those who adhere to logic. A Sim who can both master the path of logic, and reach the coveted rank of Chess Grand Master will forever be enshrined in memory.
Chess Legend is under the knowledge category.
Perfect Mind Perfect Body
Description: Seeking personal perfection through rigorous mental and physical training is a noble goal that guarantees a lifetime of challenge. Your Sim may one day stand on the peak of physical Sim achievement, but not without much sweat and mental strain.
Perfect Mind Perfect Body is under the athletic category.
World Renowned Surgeon
Description: Your Sim must be able to make logically brilliant, split-second decisions at the operating table with only a heartbeat to spare. Only the greatest surgeons defeat disease, and in doing so cause the viruses to truly know fear. The medical profession is only for incredibly dedicated Sims who are mentally above the rest.
World Renowned Surgeon is under the career category. (Requires Get To Work)
Leader Of The Free World
Description: The Leader of the Free World must be a passionate and charismatic politician who is always able to raise immense campaign funds. It is an unenviable position that must constantly adjust to unexpected problems. The world needs great leaders… potentially, like your Sim.
Leader Of The Free World is under the career category. (Requires City Living)