Palumbo Family Perfectly Legit Funeral Home Presents: Sleeping Pod Coffins
Today I bring you, straight from the Palumbo Family Perfectly Legit Funeral Home…Coffins that are actually sleeping pods!
These are NEW ITEMS, meaning that neither the original sleeping pods or coffins are affected by their existence. (I learned blender for something else and these are the results!)
They can be found in the same categories as the original coffins, for the same prices, just look for my lovely face plastered in the corner of the thumbnail.
Uncle Vinny’s Family Special still has lights underneath it, though I can’t do anything about the shape. Cousin Pauly’s Family Special and Tax Evasion Special do not have lights. (This is a feature, not a bug)
They may or may not work with Hibernate for Sleeping Pods (On my game they did, until they didn’t).
Requires Vampires and Get Famous.