Archaeology Career
I’ve created this small career mod initially for myself so I could have some paid archaeologist Sims in my save, but decided to upload and share with the community.
The Historical Society is Hiring!
You may have your Sim(s) join the Archaeology career which consists of four base levels and two branches where one additional level per branch awaits.
For career details, please click the spoiler drop-down menu:
Some Sims are driven by the search for knowledge and treasures lost to time. Spending a little bit of time in the dirt can be very rewarding. Study the culture, unearth the artifacts, and discover the truth behind ancient mysteries. Remember: everything lost is meant to be found.
Level 1: Junior Adventurer
MTWTF – 8am to 4pm
Your goal is to forage the forests and jungles and brave the danger in order to make discoveries to share with the Historical Society. Yes, you’re taking on the most danger and earning the least pay, but you’re out scouting on the front lines and making the initial discoveries. You know, that’s enough for some Sims.
Level 2: Artifact Examiner
MTWTF – 8am to 4pm
You’ve spent enough time in the field unearthing artifacts. It’s time to interact with them. Clean them off while preserving their history and examine them for clues and insight into their past. Report your findings to the Historical Society and share the knowledge with your peers. Just try not to breathe on anything.
Level 3: Dig Site Director
MTWTF – 8am to 4pm
You’ve proven to the Historical Society that you know what you’re doing when it comes to unearthing artifacts. Now it’s time to take control and show others how it should be done. You now manage and direct all of the archaeological dig sites. You know how to handle the preservation of history and respect the culture. Make sure others are doing the same.
Level 4: Selvadorada Specialist
MTWTF – 8am to 4pm
Well, you’ve pretty much seen everything there is to see and do everything there is to do, so the Historical Society supposes that makes you a specialist. You’re essentially a glorified consultant and people will come to you for anything and everything. Don’t get too comfortable in your office; it’s only a matter of time before someone drags you out to a dig site to confirm whether or not the artifact they think they found is actually a common rock.
Field Archaeologist:
You live and breathe adventure and danger. You want to feel a sense of accomplishment after navigating ancient ruins. You don’t belong in an office or a museum. You’ll be spending all of your time in the field, so make sure you pack everything you need for the journey.
Level 5: Tomb Raider
MWF – 6am to 2pm
You’re the ultimate adventurer. Everyone knows your name. You’re an expert on all things ancient and historical and you’re a fast learner. When a tomb needs to be raided and an artifact needs to be found, you’re the first on the scene. Not to mention the fact that you barely have to answer to the Historical Society! Congratulations, you’re an independent adventurer. Maybe some day, someone will make a video game about you.
Museum Curator:
You’ve been in the field and have decided it’s not for you. You enjoyed working in the offices and interacting with the artifacts once they’ve been cleaned and tended to. However, everything you learned out there is proving useful within the safe walls of the Historical Society; you’re officially a bureaucratic liaison now.
Level 5: Museum Curator
TTS – 8am to 4pm
Say goodbye to the danger and peril of being out in the jungles and temples and say hello to a comfortable office and lots of show-and-tell meetings. The Historical Society thinks of you as their bureaucratic liaison now, which means you’re essentially the face of the council. Educate the public, give tours, and hide in your office when people ask too many questions. Just make sure no one touches anything.
The current version is 1.0.
Hours & Pay
I structured the work hours and pay to be realistic, but still functional within the world of The Sims 4. I may change them in future updates depending on player feedback.
Technical Chatter
> Working and tested on 5/24/2020 on PC with Patch I did not create this mod to work with Mac.
> Please Note: this mod is in English only.