Ariel (Male Version)
Sim based on Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid.
Fun Fact: I much prefer making male sims to female sims. Don’t ask me why because I couldn’t tell you, it’s just one of those things. In this instance my love of making male sims and Disney in general culminated in the decision to make a male version of Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and so here we are. I like to call him Arien, but that’s just me.
He has two everyday outfits, the second being a male equivalent of the blue, black and white dress Ariel wears on her day out in the film.
To stay true to the film I saved him as a teen. This is because Ariel is 16 during the course of events which happen throughout the movie; but not to fear! If you would rather play him as an older sim, every piece of CC I used to make him his compatible with ages Teen through to Elder, so you can age him up and down as you please.
I worked very hard trying to make him perfect, so I hope you enjoy him!
Note: In the picture showing all his outfits there is no swimwear outfit. That is because naturally, his swimming outfit is the same as his first everyday outfit – that being his tail!
Packs Installed: Seasons, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get To Work, Dine Out, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat, Romantic Garden Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Luxury Party Stuff, Holiday Celebration, Vintage Glamour Stuff
No Sliders Used
All CC credit goes to their respective creators.
CC Used:
WM Facemask 201805 by S-Club
Lipstick 126 by RemusSirion
Terra Nosemask by Screaming-Mustard
WM ts4 eyelashes 201713 by S-Club
LL ts4 freckles 02 by S-Club
Eyes N2 by Seleng
Shirt Bow Tie With Vest by OranosTR
Victorian Leggings by Bruxel
JuminHan One Side Bang by VivianDang
Bottom 9 by ALExIA483
Bottom 7 Plus Invisible Feet by ALExIA483
Note: I used Bottom 9 as the tail, but the mesh for the invisible feet is included in the Bottom 7 download and is required to make the tail work. Please download both to use the tail!
Custom content: CC used