Bake Some Banana Cinnamon Dolce Cupcakes!
-Costs 0
-Requires level 5 gourmet baking skill
-It also has a script mod from Leniad that I tuned (with his permission) in the cupcake recipe files (so it appears in the game)
-Also, it requires 3 script mods from Andrew and Leniad at the Sims4studio – (1) Leniad’s the food enabler, (2) Leniad’s the snack enabler, and (3) Andrew’s crafting enabler
To find the recipe, you will need to download the script files for the food enabler, snack, and craft enabler listed above. Then, you can click on any refrigerator and see Leniad’s pie menu. Click on his menu and go to the “snack section.” The Banana Cinnamon Dolce Cupcakes will be listed at that menu – click, bake and enjoy.
Cupcakes mesh information:
Additional Credits:
Leniad and Andrew for their food mods, and help.