Chiropractor Career
Update: Now works with game version
“Do you want to help people better their physical health and bone health? Then this job is for you. You get to help people with their aches and pains and let them live a more full life with less pain. A lot of people might doubt you but the believers of you will come from miles away for your help.”
This is a rabbit hole Chiropractor career with 10 levels.
Included in Download is my T.O.U
This career comes in English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Russian. I used Google Translate for all except Danish. Danish translation is by Misling. If anyone who speaks the last 3 languages wants to help me correct them message me.
1) Assistant Chiropractor
You have gone through all of your schoolings and are ready for your first job in your profession. For now, you get to learn about how the office is run and help the other chiropractors with their patients.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 2 and Logic 2
2) Chiropractor I
You now have some more responsibility and you are starting to treat patients by yourself. Each day you learn more and get better. You are learning how to communicate the patients better and helping their anxiety about treatment.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 3 and Logic 3
3) Chiropractor II
When you work with a lot of people and see a lot of people during the day it can be a bit overwhelming, but you are where you want to be. You went through all your studying and training to do what you are doing. Just take a deep breath and go crack some necks.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 4 and Logic 4
4) Chiropractor III
Every day brings a new challenge. Each patient has different needs and you find yourself having less and less dull moments. You feel like with your hands you can change the world one adjustment at a time. Keep the great work up and keep going forward.
Mood: Focused IV
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 5 and Logic 5
5) Chiropractor IV
You have worked hard to get to where you are. You are there early each day and there late each day. You don’t make as much as you thought you would at this point, but you see a big future in front of you. Your goal is still to help others feel better and you do it each day even if you forget yourself sometimes.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 6 and Logic 6
6) Chiropractor V
You keep telling yourself daily why you are doing what you are doing this all for, but each day gets harder to remember your goal. The truth is you are still not making much and you really are not happy with where you work. Your love of helping others hasn’t changed, but maybe its time for a change of workplace.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 8 and Logic 8
7) Independent Chiropractor I
Congratulations you have now opened your own chiropractic clinic. Most of your clients at your last job have followed you and you now have no one to take what you earn from you. You do have your own bills to pay for the clinic, but you feel like you are at the perfect place to help others.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 9
8) Independent Chiropractor II
You now have gotten so popular you have had to hire others to help with the patients. You like being the boss and seeing so many people helped daily by your business. It feels good that you can choose who works there. You like that you can bring in quality for your clients. You don’t even mind having to pay a salary and making less than you thought you could alone.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Logic 9
9) Independent Chiropractor III
You still find yourself overwhelmed with so many people coming in and out and staff, but now it is what you made. You have put a lot of hard work into your profession. You are making more money than you thought you could and that is with staff. Each day you go to work with a smile on your face and leave with one. You feel you can still improve though.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
Objectives: Charisma 10 Logic 10
10) Ultimate Chiropractor
You have done it you are at the top of your career. You get to help people every day and you really make a difference in peoples lives. Your staff loves you and your clients come from all over to get your healing touch. Congratulations on doing what you love and being good at it. You earned it all.
Mood: Focused
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Duration: 8 hours
Start Hour: 9
How to change the career outfit:
Pull up the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+c).
Enter sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas for the sim you are using. Id pick any section as long as it isn’t your first outfit. You don’t want to wear your work outfit as your default.
In CAS, if you don’t want the cheat console visible then press the ESC key.
Compatible with Base Game version
If you have Neia_Careers_Commons.package installed to use with other careers, you only need 1 installed!
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.