Dale Deaf Trait
Since my Eating Disorder Pack has gone down so well, I thought I’d try my hand at another trait – this time, covering deafness and being HoH! This was originally intended to be a reward trait, but for whatever reason nothing I do to make it such is working, be it in Mod Constructor or Sims4Studio. It’s poor taste to ask for help when I’ve already got a ‘help’ thread going, though, so for the moment it’s a CAS Social trait for the sake of it being accessible and releasable.
Statistic Multipliers
-All musical instrument skills, DJ Mixing, Singing, Media Production, Child Social, and Career Performance for Entertainer increase half (0.5 multiplier) as fast (with the exception of when Hearing Aids are in, when the multiplier jumps to 0.8)
Occasional Buffs
-OWW – Dazed +4 (15 Sim minutes, Hearing Aids on only)
-11 Continuous Loots to be found
This trait does not affect autonomy or need decay, nor does it have any whims or proximity buffs.
Things to Do:
-Make this a reward trait, obviously, so it can be purchased without taking up a trait slot
-Find and consider more accommodations to add variety
-One thing I’d love to do is make it overlap with YourFalseHope’s Blind trait, so that Sims who are blind and deaf get special interactions and buffs, but I’m not sure how to go about that either
Thank you again for your interest! Let me know if there’s anything I need to fix or that you’d like to see.