Deadly Poisons Mod v0.5 (Beta)
I have been looking for a long and unsuccessful mod that would have made a functioning Gameplay to the poison possible. Since I haven’t found anything, I did it myself. Now I’m going to introduce it to you… Please don’t take this mod seriously! I do not propagate suicides! It’s just black humor…
What does the mod do?
Now your Sims can commit suicide more quickly and easily than ever before! There are three different poisons available:
hydrogen cyanide
Selvadorian scorpion venom
rat poison
All three poisons work very differently and can even reinforce each other. The common Selvadorada Antidot from the original game is used for the scorpion venom. A new custom antidote was created for the rat poison. The effect of the new antidote is also different, so there is not always a cure in vanilla style. All poisons can be ordered on the computer or by cell phone. The antidotes can also be found in the sale with the drugs. I don’t want to unleash it completely here. Find out for yourself by playing or look for information about the poisons on the Simternet.
Currently you can only drink the poisons from the bottle (e.g. for suicide). I’m working on poisoning the food right now. However, it is not that simple. I’ve got initial results, but it’s not ready for publication yet. But that will come in the final version 1.0!
Necessary packs and mods
The mod requires the packs “Jungle Adventures” and “Get To Work”. The My First Pet Stuff Pack is also required for the rat poison. In addition, the Scumbumbo’s XML Injector Script is required! The script must also be installed in the mod folder! Ultimately, my mod Purchase Medicine Overhaul should also be installed in order to be able to buy the antidotes, since the two are in the “Medicine” purchase menu. If you don’t want the mod Purchase Medicine Overhaul, I’ve packed an add-on PurchaseMedicineModul into this Deadly Poisons Mod that only adds the antidote to the rat poison to the original medicine from the game (without any remaining medication).
Special cases for special Sims
Since I rarely play with occult Sims myself, I didn’t take them into account very much. So that it doesn’t look totally crazy, I have forbidden robots, skeletons, grim reapers, ghosts, vampires and immortal magicians to drink my poisons. It’s just blocked for them. Otherwise I would have to think about some exceptions for all of them and that is not important to me at the moment. Mortal occults (mermaids, aliens and simple magicians) can drink the poisons and die from them normally.
But I found it totally stupid that pregnant sims cannot die in the game. That’s why I made an add-on “PregnantCanDie” that changes the trait “isPregnant”, which enables pregnant sims to die from poison. If you already use other mods that do this, you don’t need this add-on! Instead, I recommend the mod Pregnant Aging & Death by PolarBearSims.
Children and toddlers can neither buy or drink the poisons. The rule in the game is that they cannot die. I also left it with the poisons. Maybe I’ll add that at some point, but it’s not prioritized at the moment.
I wrote the mod in the German language and then translated it into English. It may sound bad in some places because I don’t have very good English. You are welcome to send me a corrected version and I will change it. The mod also has Russian and Spanish translations. If it is also not very nice, I am also open to improvement. All other languages except German, Russian and Spanish have English strings.
Possible compatibility problems
This mod only overwrites one original game resource:
All other resources are newly developed so that there should be no compatibility problems. The above-mentioned source had to be supplemented with a new code so that the conventional antidote from the game also has an effect on my scorpion poison.
Comments and future plans
It is a beta version. The mod was tested by me, but it is possible that some things do not work properly yet! I am grateful for your reports on how things are going for you! I have some big plans for this mod. Right now I’m working on various interactions around poison and poisoning. If you have any interesting ideas, please let me know. I am open to their implementation.