Fatal Flaws

Sims 4 Mods |

Fatal Flaws

When called from the cheat console, this mod will add a random bad trait to the active sim.

To activate the mod type

into the cheat console when the desired sim is active the mod will then assign a bad trait to the active sim. This only works for young adult, adult and elder sims.

To remove the trait use the cheat
traits.remove_trait TraitName

Traits that may be added:
Hates children
hot headed
Self absorbed

This mod is incompatible with Chinyu1023’s More CAS Traits for Sims Mod

Chinyu1023’s More CAS Traits for Sims Mod (I used their mod for the xml tuning to allow the addition of a 4th trait)

This is my first mod! I always thought that the sims 4 was too easy so I was inspired by the trait system in the sims medieval to make the game a little harder. Please reach out with any questions about compatibility or problems. I wrote this mod so that the cheat console will tell you if a problem is encountered.

Additional Credits:
Chinyu1023’s More CAS Traits for Sims Mod

Credits: 13pigpen
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Useful Information: How to Install Sims 4 Mods | Sims 4 Studio Download | Sims 4 Mod Manager | Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector | Sims 4 Modding guide / How to Make a Sims 4 Mod | Sims 4 System Requirements | How to Uninstall Sims 4 Mods | Sims 4 Cheats

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