Functional solar panels and water heater (Discontinued)
Hi there, this is my solar panels mod, if you have solar panels on your lot it will reduce your bills also if you have “off the grid” on the lot it will also restore the electricity, also if you place a water heater while the electricity is restored, it will restore your hot water
Please make sure to remove the old version before you install the newer one
Fixed the issue where electricity and water would randomly turn off and on
Optimized the code, now it should be more performance friendly, now if you remove a solar panel or a water heater and you are under the required number, you’ll have to wait a few seconds before one of those utilities disables itself
Now compatible with wicked whims, you won’t get anymore LE’s after using this mod with wicked whims
Solar panels now work after you exit and re-enter the game
There are 4 versions that you can download; easy, normal, hard, harder. Please just install one of them
the easy version: each solar panel on the lot will give you a discount of 17.5% on the bills, the max discount that you can reach is 70%, so on the easy version after you have placed 4 solar panels you will get your max discount, also after you have placed 4 solar panels you will restore the electricity if “off the grid” is on the lot
the normal version: each solar panel on the lot will give you a discount of 8.75% on the bills, the max discount that you can reach is 70%, so on the normal version after you have placed 8 solar panels you will get your max discount, also after you have placed 8 solar panels you will restore the electricity if “off the grid” is on the lot
the hard version: each solar panel on the lot will give you a discount of 5.83% on the bills, the max discount that you can reach is 70%, so on the hard version after you have placed 12 solar panels you will get your max discount, also after you have placed 12 solar panels you will restore the electricity if “off the grid” is on the lot
the harder version: each solar panel on the lot will give you a discount of 4.37% on the bills, the max discount that you can reach is 70%, so on the harder version after you have placed 16 solar panels you will get your max discount, also after you have placed 16 solar panels you will restore the electricity if “off the grid” is on the lot
I also included a console command to change the number of solar panels needed to restore the electricity: “set.solar number”
say you have the harder version, you would need 16 solar panels to restore the electricity, after you type into the console “set.solar 8”, you will only have to place 8 to restore electricity, you can input any number
the discount percentage will not change with this, so you will still get 4.37% discount per solar panel
The water heater:
I also made a water heater, if you have restored your electricity with the solar panels, you can just place the electrick water heater on the lot and it will restore your hot water
How to make cc solar panels compatible with the mod:
You can make any solar panel work with my mod, you just have to add the tag “22535”, make sure you do this for every Object Catalog
1. open your solar panels inside sims 4 studio, and switch to the warehouse tab
2. click on an object catalog(you’ll have to do all of them) and on the right side where it says tags, click on “edit items”
3. click on “add” select the newly created tag, and give it a value of “22535”, then just save, and save again
4. Profit
Where to find them:
You can find the solar panel under electronics–>misc
You can find the water heater under bathroom decorations
Planned features for future versions:
I plan to add some more features with time here’s what I want to add so far
Solar panels will require maintenance or they will break
Make solar panels react to weather [SEASONS]
Polygon count:
Solar panel: 976
water heater: 419
Additional Credits:
sg5150 for letting me use her solar panels, here’s her Tumblr blog where she posts cc
BASEMENTAL and TURBODRIVER for helping me with the python script
Sims 4 studio
This is a multi-part download:
Use only one version!
Also since this is a script mod don’t place it deeper than one subfolder inside your mods folder
“\Mods\folder name\my package and ts4script” this is ok
“\Mods\folder name\another folder name\my package and ts4script” this is not ok