Game Developer Career
Yes, another Game Developer Career! Given that the previous ones available have not worked for many versions ago and the authors have not bothered to fix them for the later versions of the Sims 4, I gave up waiting and learned to use the Mod Constructor to make my own.
I have based it on the Game Developer Career from the Sims 3, although not exactly. I have made some of my own changes that I hope you will still enjoy and make as much sense to you as it does to me. Being a Game Developer with an Advanced Diploma myself, the changes I made were in my opinion, more Authentic to real game development.
It was made with Version 165.70.1020 of the Sims 4 including all of the DLC’s and Packs around at that time. It should hopefully work with the latest version too. It has been thoroughly playtested by myself and a friend of mine with a later version of the Sims 4 than me and seems to be working perfectly.
Some details about this Career are…
Main Career Description
Ever dreamed about making Video Games? Well here is your opportunity to make your dream come true.
Career Track Level 1 – Playtester
Before you can really get involved in developing the latest game, you must prove your competence and dedication by testing the current game in development and reporting any bugs you can find.
Promotion Objective: Video Gaming 6
Career Track Level 2 ? Assistant Concept Artist
Your experience at playing games has inspired ideas of your own that have gained you some attention. You have been promoted to an Assistant Concept Artist, so you can get to know the design aspects of Game Development and contribute your ideas.
Promotion Objective: Painting 2
Career Track Level 3 ? Quality Assurance Manager
Your eye for detail and meticulous attitude has landed you in charge of quality assurance. Here you need to gain at least a basic understanding of all aspects of game development, so you can keep on top of the quality.
Promotion Objective: Programming 2
Game Developer: Game Programmer Branch
Description: In the Game Programmer Branch you code the game. That strange language you type into the computer there, that?s what brings the game to life and makes things happen.
Career Branch Track Level 1 – Code Dabbler
You are now an intern game programmer at Strongfinger Games, dabbling in code and learning as you work.
Promotion Objective: Logic 3, Programming 3
Career Branch Track Level 2 ? Game Programmer
You no longer just dabble with code. Your skills and experience have made you into a fully experienced Game Programmer at Strongfinger Games.
Promotion Objective: Logic 4, Programming 6
Career Branch Track Level 3 ? Senior Programmer
Your skills and experience at programming are outstanding. Amazing enough that you are now a Senior Programmer at Strongfinger Games.
Promotion Objective: Logic 5, Programming 8
Career Branch Track Level 4 ? Technical Director
You are now the most talented senior programmer at Strongfinger Games and have been promoted to Technical Director as a result. You are now in charge of all the technical stuff to do with Game Development.
Promotion Objective: Logic 6, Programming 10
Career Branch Track Level 5 ? Lead Designer
You are now the Lead Designer of Game Development at Strongfinger Games. What features make it into the game and what gets thrown out, you decide. What will the final Game release be like? Ultimately that is up to you!
Promotion Objective: Logic 7, Writing 6
Career Branch Track Level 6 ? Executive Producer
You are now the Executive Producer of Game Development at Strongfinger Games. You manage all of the games in the company and make sure that they are on track and that all goals are met.
Promotion Objective: Logic 8, Writing 7
Career Branch Track Level 7 ? Game Studio Head
Congratulations! You?ve made it to the top of your dream career! You are now the Game Studio Head at Strongfinger Games! You are the main driving force behind the creative visions of the games that the company develops.
Promotion Objective: Logic 9, Writing 8
Game Developer: Game Artist Branch
Description: In the Game Artist Branch you create the 3D Art. You are all about the presentation and what drives the awesome graphics that gives the game its appealing good looks.
Career Branch Track Level 1 ? Asset Modeller and Texture Artist
You are now an Asset Modeller and Texture Artist at Strongfinger Games. From creating 3D models to texturing them with colour, detail and bumpy and shiny surfaces. You are part of what makes the game look great.
Promotion Objective: Logic 3, Painting 3
Career Branch Track Level 2 ? Character Modeller
Your talents in modelling and texturing have led you to your next challenge within the company… 3D Character Modelling! This is your chance to really shine as a 3D Artist. You now Build, UV Unwrap, Sculpt, Texture, Rig and Animate the most complex models for the game.
Promotion Objective: Logic 4, Painting 6
Career Branch Track Level 3 ? Senior Animator
All of that Hard Work as a Character Modeller and animating them has paid off. Your talent for Animating has landed you the role of Senior Animator.
Promotion Objective: Logic 5, Painting 8
Career Branch Track Level 4 ? Art Director
It is no secret that you are one of the most talented 3D Artists at the studio. That is why you are now an Art Director at Strongfinger Games.
Promotion Objective: Logic 6, Painting 10
Career Branch Track Level 5 ? Lead Designer
You are now the Lead Designer of Game Development at Strongfinger Games. What features make it into the game and what gets thrown out, you decide. What will the final Game release be like? Ultimately that is up to you!
Promotion Objective: Logic 7, Writing 6
Career Branch Track Level 6 ? Executive Producer
You are now the Executive Producer of Game Development at Strongfinger Games. You manage all of the games in the company and make sure that they are on track and that all goals are met.
Promotion Objective: Logic 8, Writing 7
Career Branch Track Level 7 ? Game Studio Head
Congratulations! You?ve made it to the top of your dream career! You are now the Game Studio Head at Strongfinger Games! You are the main driving force behind the creative visions of the games that the company develops.
Promotion Objective: Logic 9, Writing 8
p.s Feel free to check out my game development work I normally do on Youtube under the same name.
Additional Credits:
Zerbu’s Mod Constructor
Kisakijro for the Tutorial