Gentle Trait
Update 6/18/20: I realized that I erroneously set the Anger multiplier to only 0.2x, instead of the intended 0.5x. I would have fixed this earlier, but it was in the upload queue by the time I spotted it. This has been rectified- I spent too much time on that snap moodlet for it to go unused!
Later the same day: Conflicts with Evil, Mean, and Hot-Headed have been implemented! I also figured this one out between submitting this and it appearing on the site. It also has the CAS select animation of Family-Oriented!
These Sims are the sweetest Sims you’ll ever meet, and are very easy to get along with due to their kind nature. They don’t get angry very often, but once they do… look out.
This is a trait in the Emotional category for Sims that are overwhelmingly sweet and slow to anger… but Beware the Nice Ones is in full effect, so best not to mess with them once they do get angry.
Under normal circumstances:
Their kind nature means they gain friendly relationships at a whopping triple speed, and romantic relationships at double speed; they also suffer less relationship loss, as people tend to be more forgiving of their social miscues since they know they’re good at heart.
The Happy moodlets from making new friends will be much stronger.
These Sims will have a stronger autonomy pull towards Friendly interactions.
They feel Happiness 1.5x more strongly; however, they also feel Sadness 1.2x more strongly as a result of their empathy.
With Parenthood, they receive a bonus in Empathy, Conflict Resolution, and Emotional Control.
They have the following Whims: Hug Someone, Give a Toddler a Hug, Compliment Someone, Make a Friend, Become Happy, Donate to Charity, Level up in Charisma Skill, and (with Parenthood) Volunteer with Family.
They have a unique random Happy moodlet- What A Good Day! +3 Happy: Gentle Sims always prefer to stay happy. It’s a good thing they can see so many things to be happy about!
Their Angry moodlets have only 0.5x strength, meaning they very rarely get Angry… which leads into their other major draw.
On the rare occasion that Angry becomes their dominant emotion, everything changes. They receive a powerful Angry moodlet, which differs depending on which version of the mod you have installed. The main version has +10- +5 under the halving effect- to reduce the risk of a cardiac explosion. The other version, Stronger Snap, has a whopping +1,000, and is intended for those who either have a mod to suppress emotional deaths, or are willing to accept the risk of their Gentle Sim dying. Either way…
I’ve Had It!! +10/+1,000 Angry: Even {0.SimFirstName} can feel angry sometimes- and now, they’re outright enraged!
This moodlet only lasts for an hour, but during that hour, their rage has quite the noticeable impact.
Their relationship gains will be zeroed out, and their relationship losses tripled.
All skill gains will be completely zeroed out.
They will never autonomously use Friendly interactions.
They will use the autonomy of the Hot-Headed, Mean, Insensitive, Uncontrolled Emotions, and Argumentative traits.
Their Energy and Fun will drain at triple speed- being Angry is exhausting, and they hate it!
They will have a new Mean social, Lash Out.
They will broadcast a Tense moodlet to all Sims around them- Uh-Oh… +5 Tense: There’s a good reason they say to beware the nice ones. The sight of a normally gentle Sim having a meltdown can induce fear in even the bravest of souls.
Other than that, I hope you enjoy the trait!
Additional Credits:
Zerbu’s Mod Constructor