Helaene – Trait Extras: Good & Evil (Interactions and Lot Traits)
This mod adds social interactions for Sims with the Good and Evil traits, as well as new Good and Evil lot traits. The Good and Evil traits had always seemed a missed opportunity to me, so I hope you enjoy these additions.
As this is a script mod, you must enable script mods in your game options, and both files must be nested no more than one folder level inside your Mods folder.
All new social interactions are contained within the new Good and Evil pie menus (including those unique to the new lot traits). Each interaction reveals Good and Evil traits to Actor and Target Sims.
All interactions are set to be autonomous, so that your Evil and Good sims have their life skills, reputation and behavior appropriate to their character even while you’re not actively playing them. I’m open to feedback on this – let me know your thoughts.
Good Trait Social Interactions:
Admire Benevolent Historical Figure
Increases: Friendship, Reputation
Target Buff: Saintly Sim-spiration (+1 Inspired)
Assert Belief that People are Inherently Good
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Hope for Humanity (+1 Happy)
Discuss Code of Ethics (Story)
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Manners
Encourage to See the Best in Others
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Target Empathy
Express Heartfelt Sympathy
Requirements: Target is Sad
Increases: Friendship, Empathy, Reputation
Target Buff: Grateful for Good Sim-aritan (+2 Happy)
Look for the Silver Lining
Requirements: Actor is Sad
Increases: Friendship, Emotional Control
Offer Comfort and Assistance
Requirements: Target is Uncomfortable
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Grateful for Good Sim-aritan (+2 Happy)
Offer Financial Assistance
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Decreases: 10 Simoleons
Target Buff: Grateful for Good Sim-aritan (+2 Happy)
Offer to Listen and Support
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Grateful for Good Sim-aritan (+2 Happy)
Tell Story about Volunteering
Increases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Grateful for Good Sim-aritan (+2 Happy)
Evil Trait Social Interactions:
Admire Reviled Historical Figure
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Manners
Target Buff: Horrified (+2 Uncomfortable)
Debate Meaning of Good and Evil
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Manners
Delight in the Misfortune of Others
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: What a Jerk… (+1 Angry)
Laugh at Misery
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Adding Insult to Injury (+2 Angry)
Joke about Being Bad but Feeling So Good
Mock Discomfort
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Adding Insult to Injury (+2 Angry)
Tease about Being Afraid
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Empathy
Target Buff: Adding Insult to Injury (+2 Angry)
Reveal Aspirations for World Domination
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Conflict Resolution
Target Buff: Uh – Should I Take Them Seriously? (+1 Uncomfortable)
Tell Story about Evil Deeds
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Manners
Threaten with Violence
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Emotional Control
Target Buff: Feeling Vulnerable (+2 Stressed)
Good Lot Trait
Good, Cheerful and/or Family-Oriented Sims:
Moodlet: At Peace Among Fellow Do-Gooders
+4 Happy
Social: Enthuse about Like-Minded Company
Target Requirements: Good, Cheerful and/or Family-Oriented
Social: Warn to Repent and Renounce Bad Behavior (Mean)
Target Requirements: Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac or Hates Children
Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac and/or Hates Children Sims:
Moodlet: Feeling Unwelcome
+4 Uncomfortable
Social: Joke about Getting Hit by Lightning for Trespassing
Social: Insult Do-Gooders (Mean)
Target Requirements: Good, Cheerful or Family-Oriented
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Conflict Resolution
Evil Lot Trait
Good, Cheerful and/or Family-Oriented Sims:
Moodlet: Unwelcome and Unsafe
+4 Uncomfortable
Social: Admit to Feeling Uncomfortable
Social: Condemn Evil-Doer
Target Requirements: Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac or Hates Children
Decreases: Friendship, Conflict Resolution
Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac and/or Hates Children Sims:
Moodlet: Friends Among Fiends
+4 Happy
Social: Enthuse about Dark and Dastardly Things
Target Requirements: Evil, Mean, Kleptomaniac or Hates Children
Increases: Friendship
Decreases: Reputation
Social: Intimidate Do-Gooder
Target Requirements: Good, Cheerful or Family-Oriented
Decreases: Friendship, Reputation, Conflict Resolution
Potential Future Improvements:
Multiple reactions to controversial interactions, including text dialogs
Good and Evil sub-traits, for instance something like: Angelic Good, Religious Good, Self-Righteous Good; Chaotic Evil, Demonic Evil, Violent Evil
If you enjoy the mod, leaving a comment makes my day – thank you!