Hermes skin (with 3d skin shine)
very detailed front and back, high quality skin for your male sims. Hermes skin also comes with a 3d skin shine to have that real-time highlights for your sims. the skin shine comes with 4 intensity of shine, 4 for the face and 4 for the body. the face shine(fs) is located at "skin details" section while the body shine(bs) is located in blush section. the reason i placed the body shine at the blush section is for you to have the option to enable and disable it when using cc clothes because some of the cc clothes gets the shine from the body shine while the base game clothes are just fine.
teen to elder
25 swatches
male only
comes with 3d skin shine
-FS (4 intensity) located at "skin details"
-BS (4 intensity) located at "blush "
custom thumbnail
enjoy and happy simming!
Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio