Insurance Company Mod
Life Insurance
My mod allows you to buy and claim a life insurance for the whole family.
This is a computer interaction and has no goals.
How to Buy?
Buying is easy, pop on a computer and look for my insurance company pie menu.
The pie will only show for a
Young adult
It will cost $2896 Simoleons which will be taken as a single payment and will cover any sim living on the lot at the time of buying anyone who joins the family after that will have to be their own policy when able to. ( I’m looking into an add on to add new family members)
Once bought it will take 24 sims hours to become active you will get a notification to let you know.
Each member of the household will receive two gameplay traits once active.
I’m Covered Trait – Which lets you know your sim is covered should anything happen to him/her.
Trustee – Which lets you know this sim may be able to make a claim on a policy
I say “may” as not all sims will get a chance to make a claim which I will explain further later on
How does making a claim work?
Firstly I should say I’ve made this so the pie only shows when a claim is valid. This means the pies will not show if you do not match the requirements I have selected.
Requirements are you must have both I’m Covered Trait, Trustee Trait as well as one of the following buffs.
Death of a loved one
Loss in the family grandparent
Loss in the family parent
You can only make one claim per household
This means that some Sims may not get a chance to make a claim.
An example of this is if you have a child sim who is covered by a parent policy and
one of the household sadly pass away and young adult, adult, or elder living with them
makes a claim they would then not be able to make another claim.
Making a claim?
Jump on the computer and find the insurance company pie you will only see the claim option if you have passed the requirements listed above only the life insurance claim will show as you have already bought the insurance already click claim and away we go…
Making a claim costs $100 and again you will receive notifications along the way to keep you up to date on your claim. The process for a claim will take 5 sims days.
There are 5 stages to pass before your claim is complete
Claim Submitted = 24 hours
Claim Progress = 24 hours
Claim Accepted = 12 hours
Settlement Departement = 12 hours
Payment = 2 days
thorough out all stages you will be kept informed about your claim. Once all are complete you will get your payment sent to your household funds which have been set at $351 thousand
At the time of payment, each sim in the household will also receive a gameplay trait “Set For Life” which completes the claim.
How to install?
Download files and extract them into your mods folder,
Please make sure you have “Allow script mods ” on in your game settings to allow
my mod to work.
Sorry but I’m unsure on which packs the mod will require as I own all packs.
Any suggestions and feedback are welcome but please go easy on me .. this is the first mod I have made and I am still learning ????
hope you enjoy it!