Law Career (Lite)
Inspired by Neia’s Law Career, with many changes such as: modified job titles, modified career requirements, changed working days/hours, all new career texts, and probably the most important change; income balancing to match the EA careers. (Does not include the Judge and Public Prosecution tracks).
Law – Common
Core skills: Logic, Writing, Charisma
Mood: Happy
Career Text:
“Lawyers at the core are a product of necessity – with the government over-complicating even the simplest of things into a 27 page document, someone has to be able help the common man decipher all of the legal garble and point at where you need to sign – and that person could be YOU! A hefty paycheck awaits those who climb their way through the Law career.”
Level 1: Bailiff (§20/h, §120/d, Happy, Writing 1) [Days: M T W T – – -]
Level 2: Court Reporter (§25/h, §200/d, [Happy, Writing 2, Charisma 1) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 3: Clerk of Courts (§35/h, §280/d, Happy, Charisma 2) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 4: Process Server (§45/h, §360/d, Happy, Charisma 3, Logic 1) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Job Description Text:
Level 1 (Bailiff):
Congratulations, you’re assigned to look after those people in the bright orange jumpsuits during a court session. Most of the time the accused stay in line, but someone has to make sure that they don’t pull any courtroom shenanigans.
Level 2 (Court Reporter):
Chances are you probably won’t even see what’s going during the court session because you’ll be too busy writing the proceedings down, but we promise that it’s still beneficial experience for your legal career.
Level 3 (Clerk of Courts):
Congratulations! You’ve proven yourself enough to be able to touch the legal documents! In fact, you can even file them, and maintain them! Okay, so you might be a glorified office assistant, but hey you get to handle legal documents! That’s one step closer to being involved in the process!
Level 4 (Process Server):
You’ve proven that you’re an expert document processor, so we’ve upped the ante – you get to deliver documents to plaintiffs and defendants now! You can feel the power of the judicial system flowing through your veins! You’re almost ready for Law school!
Private Practice Attorney
Primary skill: Charisma
Secondary skill: Logic
Tertiary skill: Writing
Moods: Focused, Confident
Career Text:
“Welcome to Mavis & Mavis! Through many trials and landmark court cases, we’ve become one of the top Law firms in the nation. We’ve recovered over §5 Billion simoleons for our clients in the past 30 years. We serve our people proudly, and don’t charge our clients unless we win – but we always do. Mavis & Mavis – For The People.”
Level 5: Legal Secretary (§55/h, §440/d, Happy, Writing 3, Logic 2) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 6: Apprentice Paralegal (§65/h, §520/d, Focused, Writing 4, Logic 3) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 7: Paralegal (§75/h, §600/d, Focused, Writing 5, Logic 5, Charisma 4) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 8: General Practice Lawyer (§125/h, §1,000/d, Focused, Logic 6, Charisma 5) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 9: Civil Litigation Attorney (§155/h, §1,240/d, Confident, Charisma 6) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 10: Product Liability Attorney (§170/h, §1,360/d, Confident, Charisma 7, Logic 7) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 11: Personal Injury Attorney (§185/h, §1,480/d, Confident, Charisma 8, Logic 8, Writing 6) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 12: Class-Action Attorney (§225/h, §2,250/d, Confident, Charisma 9, Logic 9, Writing 7) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 13: Law Firm Partner (§265/h, §2,650/d, §15,900/w, Confident, Charisma 10) [Days: M T W T F S -]
Job Description Text:
Level 5 (Legal Secretary):
You’ve graduated from doing paperwork for the courthouse to doing paperwork for a law firm! Stay diligent with your studies and one day you can be a real lawyer.
Level 6 (Apprentice Paralegal
Alright – soon you’ll be working with the big boys. For now, you’ll be shadowing the other attorneys as you continue your studies.
Level 7 (Paralegal)
A full paralegal, you’ll be the first person to answer phone calls and decide if a case is worth pursuing, along with providing miscellaneous legal counselling in between. You’re on your way to becoming a fully fledged lawyer!
Level 8 (General Practice Lawyer)
Congratulations! You are now truly in the world of law. Starting off as a General Practice Lawyer, you’ll be giving legal advice to clients, drafting and notarizing documents, handle cases involving real estate, banking, accounting, and probate.
Level 9 (Civil Litigation Attorney)
Us vs them! You now handle civil litigation against individuals and represent your client in court. Most of the time once a lawsuit gets thrown out on the table the other person gives in and settles the case out of court though.
Level 10 (Product Liability Attorney)
This is what you’ve trained for – you’re up against the big dogs now – Corporations. You are a knight of the legal system, fighting to get well-deserved reparations for your client (and yourself).
Level 11 (Personal Injury Attorney)
You now serve as a reactive attorney for someone who has been wrongfully injured and fight to see your client be reimbursed financially for their most likely life-altering injury.
Level 12 (Class-Action Attorney)
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Simothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Simothelioma is a rare cancer linked to plumbob exposure. Exposure to plumbobs in science labs, shipyards, casting couches, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don’t wait, call Mavis & Mavis today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet.
Level 13 (Law Firm Partner)
You have proven yourself to be one of the greatest attorneys in the country! We’d put your name in the company name too, but that’d be a little too verbose. This is a hard-working position as you handle cases in just about any field, and provide consultation for subordinate attorneys. Don’t forget to take some time off so you don’t get burnt out.
In-House Attorney
Primary skill: Writing
Secondary skill: Logic
Tertiary skill: Charisma
Moods: Focused, Confident
Career Text:
“Big Industries INC. Offers competitive pay, 401k, benefits packages, and profit-sharing plans. Laugh at the chumps who thought becoming a doctor would make them rich as you relish in in the job security of Corporate Law. We are Big Industries INC. and whatever we do, we do it bigly.”
Level 5: Corporate Legal Secretary (§58/h, §464/d, Happy, Writing 3, Logic 2) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 6: Corporate Apprentice Paralegal (§68/h, §544/d, Focused, Writing 4, Logic 3) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 7: Corporate Paralegal (§78/h, §624/d, Focused, Writing 5, Logic 5, Charisma 4) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 8: Employment & Labor Lawyer (§138/h, §1,104/d, Focused, Logic 6, Charisma 5) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 9: Environmental Regulations Lawyer (§158/h, §1,264/d, Focused, Writing 6) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 10: Intellectual Property Attorney (§178/h, §1,424/d, Confident, Writing 7, Logic 7) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 11: Professional Liability Attorney (§208/h, §1,664/d, Confident, Writing 8, Logic 8, Charisma 6) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 12: International Trade & Tax Attorney (§268/h, §2,144/d, Confident, Writing 9, Logic 9, Charisma 7) [Days: M T W T F – -]
Level 13: Chief Legal Officer (§568/h, §3,408/d, §13,632/w, Confident, Writing 10) [Days: M T W T – – -]
Job Description Text:
Level 5 (Corporate Legal Secretary):
You’ve graduated from doing paperwork for the courthouse to doing paperwork for a Big Industries INC.! Stay diligent with your studies and one day you can be a real lawyer.
Level 6 (Apprentice Corporate Paralegal):
Alright – soon you’ll be working with the big boys. For now, you’ll be shadowing the other attorneys as you continue your studies.
Level 7 (Corporate Paralegal):
A full paralegal, you’ll be the first person to answer phone calls that the other lawyers don’t feel like dealing with concerning legal proceedings within the company.
Level 8 (Employment & Labor Lawyer):
“Employment law governs the rights and duties between employers and workers. Tthese rules are primarily designed to keep workers safe and make sure they are treated fairly” So in short – if one of the workers is being a baby it’s your job to make them happy, or at least make them shut up.
Level 9 (Environmental Regulations Lawyer):
UGH. It’s frustrating having to deal with these eco-philiacs, trying to protect the environment, and their conspiracy theories like “global warming”. Just make sure that the company is following whatever (dumb) regulations the EPA have made.
Level 10 (Intellectual Property Lawyer):
A copyright attorney, and we expect you to be a good one. We protect our intellectual property on a scale that would make even Simtendo jealous!
Level 11 (Professional Liability Attorney):
“We’re not liable – you’re liable. See, you signed it, right here, on page 47. Riiiiight here. See?”
Level 12 (International Trade & Tax Attorney):
There’s a lot of laws concerning international commerce, and quite frankly, not a lot of people can be bothered to keep track of all of them – that’s where you come in. Just make sure you do your job right, otherwise the company will be hit with a big fat fine – and of course you’ll be living in a cardboard box if that were to happen.
Level 13 (Chief Legal Officer):
You’ve made it too the top and are now a core asset to the company. Your responsibility is to govern all subordinate attorneys and insure that correct procedures are taking place. Chief.
Cheat codes:
careers.promote Law
careers.demote Law
Languages Available:
As with all other Neia’s Career Mods, simply extract the contents of the .zip file into your mods folder. Don’t place the folder itself.
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