Lifetime Aspirations v.04
Working with Patch as of May 27, 2021
Updated Apr 27, 2021
v.04 Changelog:
-Added 25 brand new Aspirations!
-Added new “Fulfilled” reward trait for completing the brand new Aspirations.
-Moved the “Academic” Aspiration to the “Location” category, and changed its goal to earning a degree.
Keep up to date on development via my Twitter: https://twitter.com/ky_e_sims
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If anyone is up to helping with translations, I’ve started a document here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet…dit?usp=sharing
One of my main problems with Sims 4 is how the Aspirations work. Rather than being lifetime commitments like previous games, they’re more like extended tutorials. At last for me, this resulted in shallow and one-minded gameplay. I also wanted Aspirations to be more challenging, it should not be a guarantee that every Sim completes their Lifetime Aspiration IMO. They’re supposed to require some hard work, and maybe even a little luck.
So I set out to fix it! This mod reworks Aspirations to get rid of their multiple levels/goals. Instead, they now have only one goal. They also all reward the same amount of satisfaction points (5,000). The result is a game which doesn’t just encourage following a single path, and makes Sims feel more individual. It also encourages exploring different areas of the game. I don’t think I’ve played certain careers or done certain activities ever just because they weren’t tied to an Aspiration, and this mod helps alleviate that issue.
My Sims used to be nothing more than digital Satisfaction Point slaves, but not anymore!
-Revamps all Aspirations to be a single, more difficult, objective. Designed to take most of a Sim’s lifetime.
-Most revamped Aspirations reward 5000 Satisfaction Points.
-Moves the Jungle Explorer Aspiration to the “Locations” category and creates a new “Occult” category for Vampires/Realm of Magic Aspirations.
-Aspirations in the “Locations” category are worth 1000 Satisfaction Points, and those in the “Occult” category are worth 2000. Designed to take 1-2 in-game weeks respectively.
List of new Aspirations:
Hall of Famer – Reach Level 10 of the Fitness Career in the Professional Athelete Track
Indie Developer – Have Earned $100,000 in Royalties from Developing Video Games or Apps
Undercover Agent – Base Game Deviance – Reach Level 10 of the Secret Agent Career
Black Widow – Suffer the Deaths of 3 (Preferably Wealthy) Spouses
Mega CEO – Reach Level 10 of the Business Career
Star Trekker – Reach Level 10 of the Astronaut Career
Getting Around – Woohoo with 30 Different Sims
Homewrecker – Convince 20 Married Sims to Leave their Spouses
Trend Setter – Reach Level 10 of the Style Influencer career
Opinionated – Reach Level 10 of the Critic career
Charitable – Reach Level 10 of the Politician career in the Charity Organizer track
Media Guru – Reach Level 10 of the Social Media career
World Leader – Reach Level 10 of the Politician Career in the Politician track
Legally Sim – Reach Level 10 of the Law Career
Master Educator – Reach Level 10 of the Education Career
Mechanical Genius – Reach Level 10 of the Engineer Career
Private Eye – Reach Level 10 of the Detective Career
Mad Scientist – Reach Level 10 of the Scientist Career
Top Surgeon – Reach Level 10 of the Doctor Career
Conservationist – Reach Level 10 of the Conservationist Career
Flower Power – Gift 10 Orchid-Scented Flower Arrangements
Queen Bee – Have Earned §50,000 from Selling Honey
Corporate Worker – Reach Level 10 of the Salaryperson Career
Self Care – Do Wellness Activities for 100 Hours
Master Chief – Reach Level 10 of the Military Career
-When Sim ages up from Child to Teen, the Aspiration selection menu may show stock Aspirations in addition to the modded ones. Duplicates do not show after aging-up process is complete. (Investigating cause)
-I’ve done my best to set each Aspiration goal so that it will take til the late Adult/Elder life stage to complete in normal gameplay (aka not just spamming interactions), but I can’t really verify this without playing through every single one individually. Frankly, I don’t have the time to do this right now, so I will very likely be tweaking the goals based on feedback and as I gradually work through each one.
-Constant evaluation of balancing for Aspiration goals.
-Add translations for all languages (need help with this, details above)
-Introduce brand new Aspirations which focus on often-ignored areas of gameplay, 12 more currently planned (suggestions welcome!).
-Possibly make “Location” and “Star Wars” Aspirations hidden until your Sim visits the relevant worlds (need feedback on this!).
-Possibly replace all reward traits (except for “Location” and “Occult” Aspirations) with a “Fulfilled” trait, which grants a permanent Happy moodlet (need feedback on this!).
-All replaced reward traits would be moved to the Rewards Store.
I ended up doing almost all of the work by hand-editing XML files, but Zerub’s Mod Constructor V4 was very helpful in figuring things out. And, of course, Sims 4 Studio.