Medic Career
Change Log:
~ 24th August 2021 Updated to add Russian translation.
“Becoming a Medic is a long, studious road but to get this far, you’ve proven you have dedication. In this job, you’ll have many choices to make about your career path but if you knuckle down, work hard and observe you’ll have no trouble deciding what aspect of the medical profession is for you.” ~ Join text
I’ve always enjoyed playing the Doctor career from Get To Work but I still felt like I needed more variety for medical careers. I created the Medic Career for Sims 3 and it has branches for General Practitioner (GP), Surgeon and Psychiatrist. So I’ve converted it to Sims 4!
What Makes It Different?
The Medic Career has some degree requirements for joining the career and for future promotions (more below).
Technical Details
The career has 2 levels before branching out to one of three branches: GP, which has an additional 4 levels; Psychiatrist, which has an additional 4 levels; and Surgeon, which has an additional 5 levels. There are 7 work from home assignments available for the first two levels should you wish to use them and there are no daily tasks. There’s also 6 work from home assignments for the Surgeon branch, 5 for the Psychiatrist branch and 6 for the GP branch. Many of these assignments require the Doctor Interaction mod by Cepzid. It’s a lovely little mod and I highly recommend grabbing it. There are no daily tasks. Finally, there are uniforms for all levels!
The career requires Get To Work and Discover University.
Custom Interactions
In order to provide a better experience when your Sims are working from home, I created a small set of 7 custom interactions on the computer, which are used as Work From Home tasks or promotion requirements. These can be found under the Career/Medical Journal menu on the computer. These are:
– Organise Patient Records
– Read Patient’s Surgical Notes
– Read Psychiatric Papers
– Research New Treatments
– Research Symptoms
– Update Patient Records
– Video Call With Patient
The career is presently in:
~ English (by me)
~ Russian (by Origamika Group)
Degree Requirements
I’ve never been a fan of career jumps from degrees so I rarely use them in my game. I am, however, a fan of including degrees as promotion requirements so that’s what I’ve done here. The Medic Career actually requires a Biology Degree to get into it at all. It will not show up in the job listings unless your Sim has a Biology degree. Additionally, in order to beyond the first level of the Psychiatry branch, your Sim will also need a Psychology degree. Finally, to progress beyond Level 5 of the Surgeon branch, your Sim will need a Distinguished Biology degree. This means if your Sim only gains a normal Biology degree, they won’t be able to reach the top of the Surgeon branch. This makes the career a little more complex for your Sims!
Career Details: Levels
1. Medical Assistant ~ In your last year at University, it’s been recommended that you take a job as an assistant in the local practice to learn the ropes of the real medical world. As an assistant, you’re going to be keeping the surgery and each consultation room well stocked with instruments to keep the practice running smoothly. You’ll be allowed to sit in on consultations with the doctors and as long as you keep your notes in order, and respect that doctor-patient confidentiality clause, you’ll be ready for your graduation!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Writing Skill
Reach Level 2 Research & Debate Skill
2. Post Graduate Medic ~ University is behind you and you feel a sense of pride in how far you’ve come and what you have accomplished. As a post-graduate, you’re needing to get a feel for a real medical environment beyond the confines of the labs at the University. You’ll shadow one of the doctors on duty and get a feel for the job. If you’re lucky, you may be allowed a patient or two of your own. Good luck!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Objectives: Reach Level 2 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Writing Skill
Reach Level 2 Research & Debate Skill
General Practitioner Branch
3. Junior Doctor ~ Your first independent role in the surgery! As the Junior doctor, you’re allowed your own patients and you’ve been assigned your own consultation room upstairs, along the corridor and four doors along to the right. It’s given you a taste of the life of a doctor in general practice so you’d better make sure you know your stuff.
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Objectives: Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Reach Level 4 Research & Debate Skill
4. General Practitioner ~ With your own patients, your appointment book gets filled quickly. You’ve gathered the reputation as a patient and caring doctor and this is something you’ve come to pride. That gentle charismatic charm pays off and with a little more determination on your part, there seems to be no reason why you can’t reach the top eventually. So let’s keep going!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Objectives: Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
Video Call With 5 Patients
5. Head Doctor ~ The Head Doctor doesn’t have to work every day. But with the pay rise you’ve just received, it’s not going to matter. The Head Doctor often sees the most patients and routinely refers patients to other, more specialised, doctors for tests and further examinations. Just be sure not to refer all your patients – you do still need some to look after!
Hours: 9.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 7 Logic Skill
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Reach Level 6 Research & Debate Skill
6. Practice Manager ~ The Manager in this particular surgery no longer has to see patients but you still choose to as this is your life’s work. The practice has been the cornerstone of your career and now the running of it is in your hands and your hands alone. As and when you can, you still see patients and your charming demeanour means the surgery has been voted the Most Friendly in the whole SimCity region. Congratulations are in order!
Hours: 9.00am ~ 4.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 9 Logic Skill
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Psychiatrist Branch
3. Psychiatry Student ~ The world of psychiatry has fascinated you since your University days and you’ve been granted the opportunity to make this work your own. As a student, you’re going to study the workings of the sim mind and sit in on seminars and workshops from some of the best psychiatrists in SimCity. So crack open those notebooks and start studying again!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 4 Logic Skill
Reach Level 3 Writing Skill
Reach Level 5 Research & Debate Skill
Get A Degree In Psychology
4. Junior Psychiatrist ~ With the oak desk, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and plush carpeting, you wonder where you are. Then you realise; you’re in your very own office! As a Junior Psychiatrist, you’ve got your own group of patients and you run seminars every so often to help them cope with their individual issues. However, any particularly complicated issues and you need to refer them to one of your senior colleagues. But at least you’re on the ladder!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Objectives: Reach Level 5 Writing Skill
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Reach Level 6 Research & Debate Skill
5. Psychiatrist ~ You’ve got a loyal group of patients who are delighted with the progress they’ve made. You’ve written some books on the subject of psychiatry but have yet to see them in print. But it is clear – your career is going incredibly well. You organise seminars and workshops for your patients and they never feel alone in their suffering. The practice manager is very pleased with your methods and success rates. Keep up the stellar performance!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Objectives: Reach Level 7 Writing Skill
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Reach Level 7 Research & Debate Skill
Read Psychiatric Papers
7. Psychiatry Practice Manager ~ The practice has been successful and in the last few years, that’s been down to you. You’ve now been offered the opportunity to become the manager and while it means cutting down on the number of patients you can see, nothing stops you from eventually having your own company. The sky is the limit now!
Hours: 9.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Objectives: Reach Level 10 Writing Skill
Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Reach level 10 Research & Debate Skill
Surgeon Branch
3. Ward Doctor ~ Dispensing medicines, changing dressings and taking temperatures. The life of the Ward Doctor is yours. This is the opportunity to work on that bedside manner as you’re in charge of one of the wards at the hospital and it’s important you know the ailments of all your patients and dispense the treatments accordingly. Be prepared for the occasional nervy patient – you’re going to need all the tact and diplomacy you can muster!
Hours: 7.00am ~ 5.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 5 Research & Debate Skill
Reach Level 5 Logic Skill
Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Read Patient’s Surgical Notes
4. Surgical Assistant ~ Done are the days of prowling the wards and conversing with the patients. As a Surgical Assistant, you’re in the operating theatre more than you’re out and in your time, you’re seeing a lot of operations take place. Just hand the surgeons the instruments they need, keep them sterilised and you’ll have no problem clawing your way to the next step in your career.
Hours: 9.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 6 Research & Debate Skill
Reach Level 6 Logic Skill
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
5. Anaesthetist ~ You’ve grown quite accustomed to the operating theatre and as the anaesthetist, your job has become even more vital to the successful running of the hospital. You’ve learnt a lot about the various types of anaesthetic and as such, you’re expected to administer the correct dosage to the patient. Get this wrong, and it’s goodbye medical career.
Hours: 9.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 8 Research & Debate Skill
Reach Level 7 Logic Skill
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Get A Distinguished Degree In Biology
6. Surgeon ~ Another day, another round of operations, both minor and major. Everything you’ve ever observed in the theatre is going to matter now. You’ve got a team of assistants to help and from time to time, you’ll work with the Head Surgeon during important, rare and special operations. You can’t ever be too careful in this line of work, so make sure you’re well rested before you come into work each day!
Hours: 8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 9 Research & Debate Skill
Reach Level 9 Logic Skill
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Read Patient’s Surgical Notes
7. Head Surgeon ~ As the Head Surgeon at the hospital, it’s become very important that you never make mistakes! You’ve acquired a loyal, competent team of surgeons, anaesthetists and assistants to work amicably with during your surgeries and as long as you keep up to date with the latest medical journals, you can’t go wrong. So sit back, rest for the weekend and smile. You’ve reached the top of your career and you deserve to take some holiday!
Hours: 11.00am ~ 8.00pm
Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Objectives: Reach Level 10 Research & Debate Skill
Reach Level 10 Logic Skill
Reach Level 10 Charisma Skill
Known Issues
For reasons known only to Sims 4, in spite of completing all work from home tasks, sometimes the boss is disappointed with the work done. I don’t actually know why this happens but, as you can see with the notifications above, you get the money. Just the notification is a bit off. This is a known issue and as yet, there’s no known solution.
Zerbu for the Mod Constructor
kisakijro for an excellent tutorial on creating a career in Mod Constructor
Zer0 for an excellent tutorial on adding degrees to careers
Cepzid for the Doctor Interactions mod.
KiaraSims4 for her help with correcting the Work From Home pay
The creators of Sims 4 Studio
Origamika Group for translating!