Ministry of Magic Career
You’ve always dreamed to have a Ministry of Magic career branch to up your HP-save? Well, look no further! With this custom career your sim can become a Ministry worker. If he does a well enough job, he will be promoted and can even choose which Department he wants to work in and who knows, maybe your sim has exactly what it takes to become Minister for Magic in the end.
Career Levels – Ministry Worker
Pursuing a career within the Ministry of Magic is a noble quest. From now on, you are part of the governing body and strive to serve the magical community. Unfortunately, you can’t just “evanesco” the current Minister for Magic away, so you’ll have to start your journey at the very bottom. And I mean the very bottom. (Seriously, even the House Elves pity you).
1. Elevator Voice
You have a boring, monotonous voice and like to stick with people through ups and downs? Perfect. As the lift voice you can now show your talent. And don’t fret if you got hit by a Pimple Jinx recently, nobody can see you anyway…
Mood: Energized
PTO: 0.2
Hourly: 16
Per Day: 128
Schedule: MTWTF–
2. Barista at Ministry Munchies
Nobody ever looks to the Barista at Ministry Munchies to find a solution to a problem of the magical world, like that nasty Pixie infestation in Plymouth or the uprising of River trolls in Moldavia, but that doesn’t mean you can’t impress the higher-ups when you’re serving them coffee and pumpkin pasties. Don’t forget the cream, sugar, or a smile!
Mood: Energized
PTO: 0.2
Hourly: 20
Per Day: 160
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 2
3. Atrium Guard
“Your wand, please” is the phrase you should now be practising. You’ve been assigned to watch the Atrium and check the Ministry workers’ wands at the security stand next to the golden gate. Show that you’re tough but beware of Polyjuice Potion!
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.2
Hourly: 23
Per Day: 184
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 3, Logic 2
4. Owl Post Sorter
Congratulations, you finally managed to get your own desk (Even if it technically is a shelf in a broom cupboard). Sort through the incoming Owl post, assign priorities and deliver the paperwork to the right people. Be organised, prompt, and friendly when you push that cart through the halls – maybe some sharp-eyed Head of Department will consider you for a kick upstairs.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 35
Per Day: 280
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 3
Path 1: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
5. Improper Use of Magic Office
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! Improper Use of Magic may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of that scrawny teenage wizard who lit a chicken scoop on fire during the holidays.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Logic 4, Fitness 3
6. Hit Witch or Wizard
The Most Wanted criminals have a new thing to fear – you, and the time in Azkaban that they will surely face. As a member of an elite squad of wizard and witches, you’ll really need to hone your athleticism and sharpen everything you’ve learned so far. It’s up to you and your team to make the “Magical Law Enforcement Squad” a feared name for criminals.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: MTWT—
Objectives: Logic 5, Fitness 4
7. Auror Office
Can you believe it? You made the leap and are now a trained member of the Auror Office. As an Auror, you have seen it all, done most of it, and lived to tell the tale. Criminals throughout the world know not to mess with you, and the suits and politicians upstairs hone great respect for your service. There’s no mission too impossible and no caper too incredible to solve.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: MT-TF–
Objectives: Logic 6
8. Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot
The Wizengamot has voted you to be their new Chief Warlock. Your peerless logical skill at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Criminals tremble in your presence. Dispense judgement with a firm but fair hand.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: -TWT—
Objectives: Charisma 5
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: –WTF–
Objectives: Charisma 6, Logic 7
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Path 2: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is responsible for repairing accidental magical damage. As such, it has different subdivisions through which it works to uphold the secrecy of the magical world.
5. Muggle Liaison Office
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! The Muggle Liaison Office may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of informing the Muggle Mayor of Windenburg about those floating trash cans in the old town.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Logic 4
6. Invisibility Task Force
In your new function as an Invisibility Task Force Member, Muggles who are looking for the Loch Ness Monster are one of your major concerns. As a member of an elite squad of wizard and witches, you’ll really need to hone your charm skills and sharpen everything you’ve learned so far. It’s up to you and your team to make save the magical community from exposure at all costs.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: MTWTF–
7. Obliviator Headquaters
Can you believe it? You made the leap and are now a trained member of the Obliviator Headquaters. Every now and then, there’s a magical mishap that doesn’t go unnoticed by muggles. It is your job to iron out the mistakes of your subordinates and obliviate the poor muggles. If you do a good enough job, you might even be promoted to become a full member of the highly competent Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: M-WTF–
Objectives: Logic 5, Fitness 2
8. Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Your skills as Obliviator have not gone unnoticed and you have become a member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. You are the ones in charge, when all else fails. You are the ones who save the magical community from major exposure to the non-magical world. Point your team in the right direction and clear out all magical evidence. When it’s this hot there’s no room for error.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: –WTF–
Objectives: Logic 6, Fitness 3
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: –WTF–
Objectives: Charisma 6, Logic 7
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Path 3: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is the second largest department in the Ministry of Magic. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures works very hard to hide the magical creatures from exposure to the non-magical world. They do this by establishing safe habitats, guarded by Muggle-Repelling Charms and other magical means. Some such areas are patrolled and guarded by wizards (e.g. dragon reservations). The Department also strictly controls the breeding and sale of magical creatures. Additionally, individual wizards are legally required to use Disillusionment Charms to conceal creatures that they own.
5. Pest Advisory Board
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! The Pest Advisory Board may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of those piles of complaints about Bundimun infestations.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Veterinarian 2
6. Werewolf Registry
Your recent promotion finally pays off. No more worrying about gnomes, ghouls and doxies – now you get to talk to real people! Well – most of the time hopefully… You’re a Werewolf Registrar now and show off some of your communication skills while your next paycheck gets your kids the newest Firebolt they’ve been asking for for ages.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Veteriarian 3, Logic 4
7. Centaur Liaison Office
Can you believe it? You made the leap and are now a trained member of the Centaur Liaison Office. As a Diplomat you have to work hard to uphold a good relationship with the Centaur community. That should be a peace of cake for you, since Centaurs are naturally outgoing and compromisable, right?
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: MTWT—
Objectives: Logic 5
8. Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau
Your skills with beasts, beings and spirits have not gone unnoticed and you have become a member of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. As a Dragonologist, you are the link between the Ministry and the different Dragon reserves throughout the country. People admire you for working with such dangerous creatures and you love to work with the majestic creatures. Just make sure you have some spare fingers left for when you get promoted.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: M-WT—
Objectives: Veterinarian 4
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: M-WT—
Objectives: Logic 7
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Path 4: Department of International Magical Cooperation
The Department of International Magical Cooperation is a division of the Ministry of Magic which, as its name suggests, tries to get wizards from different countries to work together. The duties of this department are to work with magical governments of other countries, set standards for trade, create regulations for things like cauldron thickness, interpret international magical law, work with Department of Magical Games and Sports on the Triwizard Tournament, be present at the International Confederation of Wizards and represent your government.
5. International Magical Trading Standards Body
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! The International Magical Trading Standards Body may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of those negotiations about the standard size of leech juice containers.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Logic 4
6. International Magical Office of Law
Your recent promotion finally pays off. No more worrying about the exchange rate of Galleons and Simoleons or the standard liquid measure of flobberworm mucus and whatnot – now you get to do something meaningful! Well, at least everyone says so, even though nobody really knows what it entails… You’re a International Magical Office of Law Solicitor now and show off some of your communication and logic skills. Your paycheck got a boost as well, so at least try to do something meaningful, won’t you?
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 6
7. International Confederation of Wizards
Wow, you managed to snatch a seat in the International Confederation of Wizard! You are now responsible for the representation of your magical community. You’ll spend your time switching between covering your district from your local office and representing it in the International Confederation of Wizards’ Conference. Networking with neighbouring Ministries and making new friends to keep political support from abroad must be balanced with maintaining a contented Minister for Magic in your own government.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: MT-TF–
Objectives: Logic 5
8. Supreme Mugwump
By Merlin, the International Confederation of Wizards has voted you to be the Supreme Mugwump. Your peerless logical skill at handling state matters and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. The confederation members admire your leadership ability and value your opinion very highly. Take your responsibility seriously and you’ll be on top of your Ministry in no time.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: -TW-F–
Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 7
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: -T-TF–
Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 8
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Path 5: Department of Magical Transportation
The Department of Magical Transportation is responsible for various aspects of magical transport. The Floo Network Authority is responsible for setting up and maintaining the network. They also regulate the distribution of Floo powder. The Broom Regulatory Control has the authority to determine what factors allow an individual to use and ride a broom. If a broom has been determined to be dangerous or tampered with to cause damage, this office will confiscate the broom. The Portkey Office regulates and authorises objects that are turned into portkeys as well as the network in which they are used. The Apparition Test Centre grants Apparition licences to qualified witches and wizards.
5. Broom Regulatory Control
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! The Broom Regulatory Control may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of that new batch of Cleansweeps that went haywire during a thunderstorm.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Handiness 2
6. Floo Network Authority
Your recent promotion finally pays off. No more worrying about brooms, flying carpets and vacuum cleaners – now you get to work with fireplaces! That’s much more interesting, right? You’re a Member of the Floo Network Authority now and show off some of your organisational and charms skills while your next paycheck gets your kids the newest Firebolt they’ve been asking for for ages.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: -TWTF–
Objectives: Logic 4
7. Portkey Office
Your skills as a Member of the Floo Network Authority have not gone unnoticed and you have become a Portkey Office Clerk. You are the now in charge of regulating and authorising objects that are turned into portkeys as well as the network in which they are used. Your job is important to many a witch or wizard that cannot apparate or is not connected to the Floo Network, so take your responsibility seriously!
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: -TWTF–
Objectives: Handiness 3
8. Apparition Test Centre
Finally, you have moved on from putting charms on dirty boots, old tires and ancient soup tins. As an Apparition Test Conductor, you will visit magical schools and institutions to teach wizards and witches the art of apparition and – if the time is right – conduct the test. Be ready for rebellious teenagers and nasty splinching accidents, it won’t be pretty. However, the smile on the successful examinee’s face will all be worth it in the end.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: –WTF–
Objectives: Logic 5, Handiness 4
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: MT–F–
Objectives: Logic 6, Handiness 5
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Path 6: Department of Magical Games and Sports
The Department of Magical Games and Sports is a department of the Ministry of Magic. It is charged with the regulation of all sport-related events in the Wizarding world. The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was signed in 1692, and it made each individual Ministry of Magic responsible for the consequences of all magical sports played within their countries.
5. Ludicrous Patents Office
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and work in a real office! The Ludicrous Patents Office may not be the most interesting of divisions, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of that new patent application for the Bogey-Long-Snort-Competition.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Fitness 2
6. Official Gobstones Club
Your recent promotion finally pays off. No more worrying about ludicrous patents, such as the Bogey-Long-Snort-Competition – now you get to work with marbles! That’s much more interesting, right? You’re a Member of the Official Gobstones Club now and show off some of your organisational skills while your next paycheck gets your kids the gemstone Gobstones they’ve been asking for for ages.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: MT-TF–
Objectives: Logic 4, Fitness 3
7. Quidditch League Headquaters
Can you believe it? You made the leap and are now a Quidditch League Operative. You get to work with all the Quidditch teams in the country and maybe even snatch an autograph of that young Quidditch prodigy! Your division organises the annual Quidditch competition, arranging the matches and the players who participate. Put your head in the game and make it an unforgettable event for participants and spectators!
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: MT-TF–
Objectives: Fitness 5, Logic 5
8. International Sports and Events Committee
You’re a little sad to leave the Quidditch League behind you, but don’t fret – new adventures await you! As a Member of the International Sports and Events Committee you have far more influence not only on major Quidditch events, but all magical international sports events. As the representative of your Ministry, you strive to bring those prestigious events to your country and unite the nations in friendly competitions.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: —TFS-
Objectives: Logic 6
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Energised
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: —TFS-
Objectives: Logic 7, Fitness 6
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Confident
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Path 7: Department of Mysteries
The Department of Mysteries is a section of the Ministry of Magic that carries out confidential research. Most of its operations are carried out in total secrecy. Few wizards within the Ministry actually know what is located within this department, though it is learned that the various mysteries of the world are studied there, these include: love, space, thought, time, death, and others. Those wizards who work in the Department of Mysteries are known as Unspeakables because of the confidential nature of their work.
5. Prophecy Archive
Live is finally looking up for you. You are now part of an important department and even work in a very secretive field! Prophecy Archive may not be the most interesting of divisions in this department, but from here you can meet the right people to launch your career. But until that happens, you should take care of those dusty orbs. Better not be the bull in the china shop there…
Mood: Inspired
PTO: 0.25
Hourly: 53
Per Day: 371
Schedule: MT–FSS
Objectives: Logic 4, Rocket Science 2
6. Time-Turner Workshop
Your recent promotion finally pays off. No more worrying about breaking ancient prophecies – now you get to work with clocks! Well, Time-Turners to be exact. Isn’t that interesting? As a Time-Turner Clocksmith you delve into the mystery of time and try to restore those few rare Time-Turners that still exist. Maybe you are the chosen one with the steady hand that can even manufacture a copy of the masterpiece?
Mood: Inspired
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 75
Per Day: 525
Schedule: —TFSS
Objectives: Logic 5, Rocket Science 3, Vampire Lore 2
7. Space Chamber
Stars, constellations, wormholes – there’s so many things for man- and wizardkind yet to explore and understand. As an Unspeakable of the Mystery of Space you spend your nights in the space chamber and…do whatever it is that the Unspeakables are doing.
Mood: Inspired
PTO: 0.275
Hourly: 90
Per Day: 630
Schedule: —TFSS
Objectives: Rocket Science 4, Vampire Lore 3
8. Love Chamber
It seems you have gathered a vast amount of knowledge of space, time and other mysteries of life, so you got promoted to work with the most mysterious study subject of the department, and the most powerful force ever to exist in the universe — which is known as “Love”. Some say that you’ll attempt to understand and duplicate the magical protection self-sacrificing love creates, the only magic strong enough to repel the Killing Curse.
Mood: Inspired
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 135
Per Day: 810
Schedule: —-FSS
Objectives: Rocket Science 5, Vampire Lore 4
9. Head of Department
Head of Department may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. You’re authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly in the Daily Prophet and your influence is being felt around the Ministry. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes.
Mood: Inspired
PTO: 0.3
Hourly: 200
Per Day: 1200
Schedule: —-FSS
Objectives: Logic 6
10. Minister for Magic
Without peer, you are now in charge. The Wizengamot has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic rights of the magical community, you—the Minister for Magic—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of Dark Magic, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it’d be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.
Mood: Focused
PTO: 0.33
Hourly: 375
Per Day: 1875
Schedule: M-W-F–
Since this is my very first attempt at creating a custom career, please be gentle with your complaints. Please notice me, if you find any technical or grammatical error or if anything else doesn’t add up. I’m also working on a German and Swedish translation and if you want to help adding more subs, that would be great.
Patch Version:
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1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
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Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.