Mr. Darcy’s Accomplished Lady
“A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved. All this she must possess, and to all this, she must yet add something more substantial in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
Mr. Darcy sure does encompass a great deal in an accomplished lady! Can you measure up, or will you fall short?
This aspiration will surely help you catch your Mr. Darcy. With four levels of accomplishment in the knowledge aspiration section, each with four tasks of their own you will surely be on your way to catching his eye.
It begins with Basic, then Proficient, then Skilled, before finally becoming Accomplished. You will learn how to play the pianoforte, how to sing, paint, write and dance, and of course, you will read a great deal. Good luck!