My version of ZERO’s University Costs More mod
This is a simple tuning mod that increases the cost of university classes. I really liked the idea behind zero’s mod, but their custom prices were higher than what I wanted in my game. Thankfully, they provided some helpful instructions and pics of how to modify this to your own preferences. I followed those and created my own version. I wasn’t going to upload this but I read in Zero’s TOU that they were cool with anyone doing pretty much whatever with their mods, so I thought why not? Someone may find it useful.
What it does (Basics):
In the base game (with University EP of course) the cost for uni classes is a flat $250 fee for each class, regardless of if it is a core class or elective. This seemed really cheap and also it didn’t make sense to me for all degrees to cost the exact same amount. (Getting a degree in Art History should not cost the same as a degree that allows you to be Docter). With this mod, University classes now cost more to start out and also increase as you continue pursuing your degree. Elective classes also now vary in price, depending on what skill is being learned (ex. taking an elective on fishing will cost less than an elective for programming).
More Specific: Game files for each University degree list 12 classes (A-L). I adjusted the cost for all A-D classes to start at either $600 or $800, depending on what degree it is. Every 4 classes (a typical full-time semester), classes increase by $200. So the first 4 classes cost $600-$800, the next 4 are $800-$1,000, and so on with the last 4 classes costing between $1,000 and $1,200 per class. Elective classes cost between $500 and $800 each, depending on the skill learned. (ex. the elective that focuses on cooking costs less than the elective for gourmet cooking).
Full list of changed values: EA default= $250 for any one class.
With Mod:
Art History Degree
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-l: $1,000 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-l: $1,000 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Computer Science
Classes A-D: $800 each
Classes E-H: $1,000 each
Classes I-L: $1,200 each
Culinary Arts
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Fine Arts
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Language and Literature
Classes A-D: $800 each
Classes E-H: $1,000 each
Classes I-L: $1,200 each
Classes A-D: $800 each
Classes E-H: $1,000 each
Classes I-L: $1,200 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Classes A-D: $600 each
Classes E-H: $800 each
Classes I-L: $1,000 each
Acting: $600
Archeology: $700
Baking: $600
Bartending: $600
Bowling: $500
Charisma: $600
Comedy: $600
Cooking: $600
Cross Stitch: $600
Dancing: $500
Dog Training: $500
DJ Mixing: $600
Fishing: $500
Fitness: $500
Flower Arranging: $500
Gardening: $600
Gourmet Cooking: $700
Guitar: $600
Handiness: $600
Herbalism: $600
Knitting: $500
Local Culture: $600
Logic: $600
Media Production: $600
Mischief: $500
Painting: $600
Parenting: $500
Photography: $600
Piano: $600
Pipe Organ: $600
Programing: $800
Research and Debate: $700
Robotics: $700
Rocket Science: $800
Singing: $600
Vampire Lore: $600
Veterinarian: $800
Video Gaming: $500
Violin: $600
Wellness: $500
Writing: $600
I may re-work some of these prices in my own game to be more expensive, so if anyone is interested in that or has suggestions for price changes, let me know and I may upload those as more options for this mod.
Note: This is my FIRST mod and I am completely new to modding and using Sims4Studio (like I downloaded it last week new). It works in my game, but I have not had anyone else test it. As it is a simple tuning and not a script, I assume it would only conflict with mods that alter the same xml tuning files of universty_Course_Data. If this mod does not work for you, I would have no idea about telling you why or fixing any issue, so sorry about that. The only advice I could give is to make sure it is installed properly (unzipped and then FAUniversityCost.package file put in mods folder no more than 5 files deep.), delete you’re cach files, and tell you to find a discord channel that helps with mod support or an online tuttorial. ALSO: I do have Scumbumbo’s XML injector in my game, but I don’t think it would be needed for this mod since Zero’s version didn’t mention it being required.
Big Thanks to Zero and Sims4Studio for making this mod so easy to create. Also thanks to online tutorials for modding the sims and helpful people on CreatorMusings discord that didn’t get annoyed with my stupid questions! Thanks to Modthesims for being an awesome site to find and share mods!
Hope someone finds this mod/post useful. Be kind (at least when not in a simulation) and Happy Simming!
To complete beginners like me: You do not need the mod to change these settings. Just download thesims4studio- click on tools-> then “create empty package” minimize package window, -> then go back to tools and click “extract tuning” (this will take a while), ->when the files show up use the search bar and type “University_course_data”. -> Select all classes you want to edit (hold ctrl while selecting each one to only have to use the add button once), click “Add to current package”. ->Go through each class’s”university course data Tuning” and “Sim Data” and change the cost to what you want (each class’s two tunings must mach!). ->When you’re done just save it and then put it in your mods folder. Since there are so many individual classes and elective classes, this may take time, but it is very easy to do. Tutorials are also available on youtube for modding sims 4.