No relationship gain when taking photo of someone
In the Sims 4, taking one photo of someone give you a +5 relationship instantly. Five photos in the row gives you instantly +25, and so on…
It’s already too easy to make friends in the game. To me, it’s a cheat and a bug, as you can become instantly the best friend of the first person you randomly encounter.
This simple mod just remove any relationship gain you have when taking a picture of someone, or taking a picture with someone. It’s particularly useful when you are a freelancer photograph, but it should work with base game interactions too.
This mod is just a very tiny change to the file 0C772E27!00000000!0000000000035CA8.skill_Photography_BG_Photo_REL_Gain.ActionTuning.xml and should be compatible with everything, unless another mod which would do the same thing.
Additional Credits:
Made with Sims 4 Studio