Pose Pack 8
Another set of poses for your sims. These are perfect for curvy plus-size sims. I hope you enjoy.
5 in game poses
The Sims 4 Pose
Custom Thumbnail
How to use these poses:
In the game, place the teleporter. Then click on your sim, then pose by pack and choose Pose Pack 8 by Katverse.
How to use teleporter:
Buy the teleport statue and place it where you want your sim to teleport. The sim will appear in place of the statue.
– Pose player https://www.sims4modhub.com/pose-player/
– Teleport any sim https://www.sims4modhub.com/teleport-any-sim/
CC used:
Goldie Shirt by SLYD
Kylie Skin by S4models
Dimples 01 by Katverse
Rita Hair 78 by TsminhSims
Forever jeans by Savagesims
GianvitoRossi Greta Heels by Renorasims/Slyd