S4 – Aristocracy, Royalty & Mistress Careers
This is meant to enable historical/fantasy players’ nobles & royals with income and is otherwise cosmetic. For more gameplay, I’d recommend either: downloading KiaraSims’ royalty Career mod for royal sims; using llazyneiph’s Royalty Mod for both Noble&Royal sims; or using all the same time and by your discretion, choosing what mod will supply your noble or royalty careers.
You can’t just be anyone to associate with everyone! Status and rank matter more than most else, and your titles reflect upon your bearing!
With 8 new careers in this pack, you can officially become a noble, royal, or the lover of a noble or a royal! Adopted from three different societies of real history (“Europe”, Heian Japan, and Tang-dynasty China).
European Aristocracy [In Game: “Aristocrat (EU)”]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Sovereign. Even before the rise of the Sovereign, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
– “Gentry”: You have not entered the royal court or made any sort of debut. Having a title but no recognition.
– “Courtier”: You said a temporary farewell to your royal patron and hopefully made a good impression. Now you must attend many parties and build special skills to catch the attention of other higher-ranked aristocrats.
– “Knight/Dame or Royal Attendant”: You still hold no lands under your own authority or name yet, so you need to start building connections with other nobles and even some wealthy merchants. To be a complete part of the nobility, you have to have both material land and build wealth based on your social credit–and that comes with showing off your genealogy! You are also subject to being drafted into Your Grace’s Sovereign Forces, so you need to be as fit as you can! Or you went under serve a Sovereign or their family member, attendant to their every need…and having an intimacy that has you closer to personal plans.
– “Lord/Lady”: Now assigned a small section of serfdom owned by a connection, you must learn how to direct others and flout your authority over the peasants you are responsible for. Be careful not to have one of them act out, or it might be your head!
After choosing a branch, the sim will officially be “Baron/Baroness”, “Marquis/Marquess”, “Count/Countess”, “Duke/Duchess”, or an “Archduke, Archduchess”.
– “Overseer of a Barony”: You’ve made it! Still, you will always be lower than a Marquess, but higher than a Lady.
– “Overseer of a County”: Lower than a Marquis, higher than a Baron.
– “Overseer of a Margarviste”: Lower than an Archduke, higher than a Countess.
– “Overseer of Duchy”: Lower than an Archduchess, higher than a Marquess.
– “Of the Archduchy” (the Level after Duke/Duchess) You live with a status second only to the Sovereign! You can also possibly inherit their throne.
– “Baron/Baroness”: Now you can call yourself a true Aristocrat! Many Lords and Ladies must report to you if they want to obtain any large resource.
– “Marquis/Marquess”: While you don’t have as much power as a Count, Duchess, or Archduchess, you still can pretend you are as significant as the Sovereign for the pecuniary boost!
– “Count/Countess”: You are a powerful ally for most Aristocrats. As your closer control over many a Marquis and your closeness to the Duke puts you in a liminal position of power, you can shift lesser Aristocrats towards the higher-ups.
– “Duke/Duchess”: You control an entire sector of Counties. Your opinion is also considered paramount when there is a new project begins, sometimes even before then.
– “Archduke, Archduchess”: You have either been adopted into the Sovereign family, or you already are a part of it. Well, now you can enjoy being this close to the Sovereign.
Japanese Aristocracy [In Game: “Aristocrat (Japan)”]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Emporer or Empress. Even before the rise of the imperial ruler, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
Base Level
“Ryouko”: You are a lower-class noble who may do either of the following: guard an imperial tomb or serve a member of a higher-ranked family as one higher than a slave or a servant but still subservient and lowly.
– “Zakko”: You are one of many various clans and families.
– “Shinabe”: You are a part of the caste that provides various goods and labor to the Imperial Court rather than supplies from agriculture. In other words, you are part of an artisan or craftsman clan.
– “Kanjin”: You are either the spouse of government officials or one of the government officials possessed with one of the court ranks.
– Ranks/Titles
After choosing the Kanjin branch, the sim will 6 options of what rank official they will be (in order of less prestigious/lowest to most/highest):
(These have no descriptions)
“Junior Third Rank”
“Senior Third Rank”
“Junior Second Rank”
“Senior Second Rank”
“Junior First Rank”
“Senior First Rank”
Chinese Aristocracy [In Game: “Aristocrat (China)”]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Sovereign. Even before the rise of the Sovereign, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
Base Level
“?? (zh? hóu)”: You are one of many various feudal nobles.
Branches/Levels/Titles (These have no descriptions)
“? nan (baron/baronness)”
“? zi (viscount/viscountess)”
“? bo (earl)”
“? hou (marquis/marquess)”
“? gong (duke/duchess)”
European Royalty [In Game: “Royalty (EU)”]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble persons of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Sovereign, King, or Queen. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in, but be aware there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want…
Base Level
“Crown Royal”: Any member of the royal family.
After choosing a branch, the sim will be either someone who married into the royal family (consorts), people directly descended from a royal (“of the blood”) and born into wedlock, or those who are descended from a royal but born out of wedlock (illegitimate).
– “Consorts”: Those Married into the Royal Family.
– “Of the Direct Lineage”: Legitimate members of the Blood
– “Of the Direct Lineage (Illegitimate Persons)”: They could be those the ruler or parent refuses to legally acknowledge as their child or just those who were born out of wedlock.
Those Married into the Royal Family.
[Base Level]
“Married into the Family”
Secondary Branches
– “Empress Consort”: Female consort of the Sovereign of an empire.
– “Emporer Consort”: Male consort of the Sovereign of an empire.
– “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for the consort of a non-ruling member of an imperial family.
– “Queen Consort”: Female consort of the Sovereign of a single realm.
– “Princess Consort”: Female consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
– “Prince Consort”: Male consort of a Sovereign or a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
– “Royal Consort”: The consort of a Sovereign or a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
– “The Ruling Sovereign’s Parents”: These are either the biological parents of the ruling sovereign or the spouses of the last one.
Of the Direct Lineage
Legitimate members of the Blood
Base Level
“Of the Blood.”
Secondary Branches
– “Emporer”: A male imperial Sovereign.
– “Empress”: A female imperial Sovereign.
– “Imperial Sovereign”: The gender-neutral title for the imperial Sovereign.
– “Queen”: A female Sovereign.
– “King”: A male Sovereign.
– “Princess”: A Sovereign’s close female relative: their sister, aunt, niece, female cousin, or daughter.
– “Prince”: A Sovereign’s close male relative: their brother, uncle, nephew, male cousin, or son.
– “Crown Royal”: A Sovereign’s close relative: their sibling, avunculate relation, the child of their avunculate relative–cousin, or child.
Of the Direct Lineage (Illegitimate Persons)
Base Level
“Of the Blood…Illegitimately”: They could be those the ruler or parent refuses to legally acknowledge as their child or just those who were born out of wedlock.
Japanese Royalty [In Game: “Royalty (Japan)”]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble persons of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Imperial Sovereign, Emporer, or Empress. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in and there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want, but unless they can prove they have are descended from the goddess ?????, ???? (Amaterasu ?mikami) or ????? (?hirume no Muchi no Kami), they’re out of luck.
Base Level
“Crown Royal”: Any member of the royal family.
After choosing a branch, the sim will be either someone who married into the imperial family (consorts) or one directly descended from a royal.
– “Consorts”: Those Married into the ?? (k?shitsu/kouzoku) Imperial Family.
– “Of the Direct Lineage”: The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.
Those married into the ?? (k?shitsu/kouzoku) Imperial Family.
Base Level
“Married into the Family”
Secondary Branches
– “?? (k?g? — Empress Consort)”: The main female consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after birthing their heir.
– “*Emporer Consort*”: The main male consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after siring their heir.
– “High Imperial Consort”: The main consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after having their heir.
– “??? (shinnoh / ohi — Princess Consort)”: Female consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
– “*Prince Consort”: Male consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
– “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for the consort of the non-ruling member of the family.
– “?? (ny?in)”: A woman who gets treated similarly as a retired Emporer because they are a close female relative of the Imperial Sovereign or a woman of comparable standing. Can be the mother, wife, aunt, etc. of an abdicated or current Imperial Sovereign..
– “*Emporer Emeritus*”: The male consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
– “Imperial Consort of the daijo”: Gender-neutral for the consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
– “?? (sokushitsu — Imperial Concubine)”: A secondary consort of the Imperial Sovereign who does not outrank their main consort.
Of the Direct Lineage
The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.
Base Level
“The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood..”
Secondary Branches
– “?? (tenn? — Emporer)”: A male imperial Sovereign.
– “???? (josei tenn? — Empress)”: A female imperial Sovereign.
– “Imperial Sovereign”: Gender-nuetral for the Sovereign.
– “?? (naishinno / ?jo — Princess)”:
– “?? (shinno / ?ji — Prince)”:
– “Imperial Family Member”: Gender-neutral for any close relative of the imperial sovereign.
– “???? (daij? tenn? — Emporer Emeritus)”:The abdicated, former emporer.
– “*(daij? josei tenn? –Empress Emerita)”: The abdicated, former empress.
– Imperial Emerit: Gender-nuetral for the fomer, abdicated Imperial Sovereign.
Chinese Royalty [In Game: “Royalty (Imperial China)”]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble clans of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Imperial Sovereign, Emporer, or Empress. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in and there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want, but that would be very hard to accomplish without a clear indication that they have recieved a Mandate of Heaven through action or ceremony!
Base Level
“Crown Royal: Any member of the imperial family.
– “Consorts”: Those Married into the Imperial Family.
– “Of the Direct Lineage”: Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.
Those Married into the Imperial Family.
Base Level
“Married into the Imperial Family”
Secondary Branches
– “?? (Huánghòu / wáng hòu – Empress Consort)”: The main female consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after birthing their heir.
– “*Emporer Consort*”: The main male consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after siring their heir.
– “?? (f?iz? – Imperial Consort)”: The highest ranking consort of the Imperial Sovereign but not their main spouse.
– “? (pín – Imperial Concubine)”: A lower-ranked consort of a ruling Sim of the Blood.
Levels of Imperial Concubines (These have no descriptions)
“?? (cái rén – Lady of Talents)”
“?? (m?i rén – Beauty)”
“?? (jié yú – Lady of Handsome Fairness)”
“? (pín – Imperial Concubine)”
?? (f? rén – Consort)
Of the Direct Lineage
Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.
Base Level
“Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.”
Secondary Branches
– “?? (Huángdì — Emporer)”: The male Imperial Sovereign.
– “?? (Huángdì – Empress)”: The female Imperial Sovereign.
– “?? (Huángdì — Imperial Sovereign)”: The Gender-neutral Imperial Sovereign.
– “?? (g?ngzh? — Princess)”: Any female member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
– “?? (wángz? — Prince)”: Any male member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
– “???? (“Huángshì chéngyuán”– Imperial Family Member)”: Any member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
Level — (The only level for this career)
“Noble Paramour”
You have not entered the royal court or made any sort of debut. Having a title but no recognition.
You have a relationship with a noble lover, even if they (or you) are married. However, it’s likely not that much of a secret. Because your lover isn’t royal, you’re just not that significant outside of your lover’s household, but life may be much better than what it was before.
You just have to keep them happy and avoid their (maybe) jealous spouses…
Royal Paramour
– ” ‘Little’ Paramour”: You are an unacknowledged, less important royal lover, even if the court may know you are involved with a royal. You’re still not important enough to most powerful and ambitious sims to curry favor with, though your lover may grant some gifts to you in “secret”.
– “Declared Paramour”: You have been presented (or brought back) to the royal court! Now you can semi-publicly advise your lover, broker favors for “clients”, forge state & international alliances, and negotiate with foreign diplomats. You have no official title. However, many at court seek your favor to get closer to your lover. You should be selective in what you take into your inner circle–you never know who may even catch your lover’s eye and replace you!
– “’ Paramour-with-Title’ ”: Nothing has changed, really aside from you receiving an official title that has nothing to do with your “formal” position as your lover’s only lover. You, however, are so dependent on it that you likely sign your name with your lover (even over their spouse!) on official documents.
– Requires nothing but Base Game, and can be used with llazyneiph’s Royalty Mod but NOT with their Monarch or nobility careers.
– The “Titles” do not appear above Sims’ heads!
– You need to download “ICONS & IMAGES” for the icons & other images to appear in-game.
– Always delete the previous files before placing them in your mods folder and playing your game!
– Sims4Studio
– Mod Constructor (V5)