Sanguisine (Blood Cuisine)
Features: The Blood Nectar Bottle: Now sims can age their favourite victim’s blood, and have a functional blood cellar! This new addition requires Horse Ranch (obviously) and is a superior alternative to the Blood Decanter, so if you have Horse Ranch I recommend deleting the Blood Decanter files.
Updates: Sanguisine V3 is now the latest version.
Conflicts: SCCO, & Srsly’s EA adjustments.
Requirements: Vampires GP and XML Injector V4
Recommended addons: My mod, ‘Plasma Farmer‘, which enables vampires to harvest sims’ blood to use in these recipes.
Mod Description: This mod was inspired by countless vampire movies in which a horrified human walks into the lair of a vampire, containing cellars with bottles of blood and dishes with suspicious stains on them. It’s boring to give vampires only one method to consume human blood (straight from the neck), so this mod provides more options.
In short, the mod uses plasma packs as an ingredient to make two recipes: bowls of blood, and blood decanters. All recipes are edible by vampires with withered stomachs – because why shouldn’t all vampires be able to consume a tasty bowl of blood? (This is a bit of tuning that gave me persistent trouble to figure out so I’m very happy to have it done – and if anyone wants to make a similar withered-stomach-friendly meal, I’ll happily show them how).
The mod goes hand-in-hand with my Plasma Farmer mod, allowing vampires to store their victims’ harvested blood and feast later.
The recipes
-Blood bowls: Each meal serving size requires the same number of plasma packs as the number of single portions it provides (e.g. party size requires 8 plasma packs, family requires 4).
-Blood decanter: When ‘grab a serving’ is clicked on the decanters, the vampire will drink an elegant glass of blood. As with the blood bowls, the serving sizes require the same number of plasma packs as the number of single portions it provides.
Credits: The blood drink uses assets from Zero’s More Drinks for Vampires.
Future Updates:
– If I can, I want to make the ability to label decanters with ‘who they are from’ (which sim was the blood extracted from)
– Any suggestions from the comments
Any suggestions that I am able to implement are very welcome. Enjoy!