Servo Auto-Charger – Charge your servos wirelessly!
UPDATE 3/19/23: I’ve updated the object so that it shouldn’t need Parenthood and only needs the base game/DU! In addition, I’ve added a small separate mod to fix a minor visual bug when using the object.
UPDATE 5/14/23: I added & changed some tunings so that the charger properly acts like a electric object (can’t use off the grid or when power is cut off), and should also cost a little less to use, especially when turned off.
UPDATE 7/31/23: The charging buff now has custom strings specific to the object instead of using built-in ones.
UPDATE 10/10/23: Fixed an incorrectly typed tuning ID, and added a buff reason string which I had forgotten to do.
Hello MTS, this is a project I’ve been working on for over a year now, and I’ve finally figured out how to make it work!
This is an object that will automatically keep your servos charged up wirelessly when it’s in the same area, so they don’t need to sleep! Now you can have busy servos that are on & active for longer periods of time, for things like parties, childcare, planning for world domination, etc.
It’s based on the Tesla coil from one of the school project objects in the Parenthood GP, and I’ve modified it so that it’s now a broadcaster which raises the Charge motive of servos almost as fast as when they’re in sleep mode, and it should have a pretty far range even in a larger room.
When turned on, the object will have a slow pulsing glow on the outline to show it’s working, plus an unweighted Energized buff that will show up on the servos it’s charging. And when off, it can be moved around in live mode or into a sim’s inventory.
It’s priced at 1000 Simoleans and can be found in the Electronics > Misc. section. Note that it does use lots of power which can increase your household’s energy bill.
I’ve also added an optional mod, “ServoChargeMotiveFix”, to fix a minor visual bug that occurs when using the object: When a servo is fully charged, I noticed that their charge meter suddenly loses its icon & description. I did a little digging and found out that this is due to some missing info in the original statistic tuning file that Maxis forgot to include for some reason, so I simply added this info back in and it’s no longer an issue. (This specifically changes the “robots_Motive_Charge” statistic tuning, for the record)
Requires the Discover University EP, and this mod should no longer also require the Parenthood GP.
I’m really happy with how this mod turned out and I’m glad to finally share it online, hope you enjoy it!
Made with Sims 4 Studio, Photoshop and Lot51’s TDESC builder.