Steal Money for All Ages | New Interaction
Children could steal money from adults as well, the target age from teen to elder.
It is different from the base game pickpocket interaction.
This steal money interaction won’t hug, they just steal in a distance.
Sims could steal 2-800 simoleons per time with a chance to be caught.
Under the Mischief category.Need XML injector to run with, download XML Injector here
French Translation by Candyman
TS4 XML Extractor by Scumbumbo
*This mod needs XMLinjector by Scumbumbo*
1)Download the latest version of XMLinjector, unzip the file, and put the .ts4script file into your Mods folder(Don’t put it into any other subfolder).
2)Download this mod and put the .package file(s) into your Mods folder.