Tarot Reader Career ***GET FAMOUS UPDATE***
This is a rabbit hole career, that allows your sims to become Tarot Readers! It is a one track, ten level career. It does not currently have rewards or chance cards. It is base game compatible and will work with any expansions also.
Updated for Most Recent Patch
Learn the mystery of the Tarot Cards, from what the cards are, how to lay them out and form a reading. Tarot reading is a life long skill, there is always something new to learn! You must have a tough skin, skeptics can make life difficult!
Level 1 – Major Arcana Training
You will learn the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards, from the Fool right through to The World. You will learn symbolism, imagery, colour meanings and be able to confidently provide your interpretation of a card on the spot.
Days: M,T,W,T,F
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Wage: $23 ph
Objectives: Charisma 1, Writing 1
Level 2 – Minor Arcana Training
Having accomplished the Major Arcana, you will now learn the 56 Minor Arcana Cards and four suits of the Tarot. You will know what Pentacles, Swords,Wands and Cups represent and how their number of suit adapts their meaning.
Days: M,T,W,T,F
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Wage: $36 ph
Objectives: Charisma 2, Writing 2
Level 3 – Spreads Training
Now that you are fluent with both the Major and Minor Arcana, you will now learn different ways to lay out cards, called Spreads. You will learn to conduct a One or Three card spread, the Celtic Cross and Horoscope Spread. You will begin to develop your own spreads and learn about Significators; cards that represent a situation or a person.
Days: M,T,W,T,F
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Wage: $40 ph
Objectives: Charisma 3, Writing 3
Level 4 – Tentative Tarot Reader
You have learned all the theory you can and now you will learn from working as a Tarot Reader. You will learn the rules of tarot reading, the 4 D’s. A tarot reader does not predict Death, Disease, Divorce or Destruction. You will focus on learning how cards change each others meanings, depending on where they are in a spread, their suit and number.
Days: M,T,W,T,F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $54 ph
Objectives: Charisma 4, Writing 4
Level 5 – Fluid Tarot Reader
You are now able to read a spread much more fluently, after doing many tentative readings. Each reading you take notes of and adapt your interpretation of the cards as you develop a stronger bond with your deck and create your own interpretations of the cards.
Days: M,T,T,F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $67 ph
Objectives: Charisma 5, Writing 5
Level 6 – Accurate Tarot Reader
You are now a very experienced Tarot Reader, having reflected over each reading you have done, learned where misinterpretations have occurred and how your own mental and physical health can affect your ability to create an accurate reading. You have also learned to be wary of your own morals and not let them affect your readings. Your accuracy is impressive and word is beginning to spread.
Days: T,T.F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $115 ph
Objectives: Charisma 6, Writing 6
Level 7 – High Demand Tarot Reader
You are now conducting as many as ten readings a day, your skill is in such high demand! Word has spread wide about your accuracy and sims are coming from miles around for your service. Despite how well you are doing, don’t forget, a tarot reader is never finished learning the cards, there is always something new to learn!
Days: T,T.F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $172 ph
Objectives: Charisma 7, Writing 7
Level 8 – Celebrity Tarot Reader
You are now so well known, you receive many calls to make guest appearances on television and the radio. You are being approached by publishers that want you to start writing books about your Tarot Reading ability. You are able to charge high prices for your readings, with your accuracy and fame.
Days: T,T.F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $258 ph
Objectives: Charisma 8, Writing 8
Level 9 – Criminal Assistance Tarot Reader
Tarot Reading should not be about how much money you can earn, whilst there is nothing wrong in a client paying you for your skill, you will now work with the police and CIA to help solve crime mysteries. You will use your now vast knowledge of the cards to help them locate lost sims and the location of sim corpses.
Days: T,T.F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $310 ph
Objectives: Charisma 9, Writing 9
Level 10 – Guru Tarot Reader
You are now so versed in the way of the Tarot, you train other sims with your experience and insight. You are never wrong in a Tarot Reading prediction and because of you, sims finally give Tarot Reading and its Readers, the respect it deserves. Be proud of your ability to help other sims work through issues in their lives and never forget, there is always something new to learn from the cards.
Days: W,T.F
Ideal Mood: Confident
Wage: $474 ph
Objectives: Charisma 10, Writing 10
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.