The Personality Mod
Change Log:
~ May 11th 2021 ~ Added Polish translation.
~ May 10th 2021 ~ Added German and Portuguese translations. Tweaked some of the Satisfaction rewards to make whims like Have A Baby and Own a Business more worthwhile.
The Personality Mod is the first larger mod I’ve made for The Sims 4.
What Does It Do?
The Personality Mod adds 6 reward traits to the Reward Store. Each of these traits are inspired by the six Aspirations from Sims 2: Family, Fortune, Knowledge, Pleasure, Popularity and Romance. Each trait costs 0 Satisfaction Points, so you can add the traits to newly created sims, straight out of Create-A-Sim.
Each trait has it’s own set of Whims and those whims are directly inspired by the appropriate Wants from Sims 2. Because of this, the reward traits act like a base personality and influence the whims your Sim puts in.
For example, a Fortune Sim may wish to own their own business; a Family Sim may want to have a baby or adopt a dog; A Knowledge Sim will be curious about the supernatural etc.
The Whims
While there were some excellent whims available to suit each trait, I felt like many were missing. As a result, I set about creating my own. This mod contains around 40 new whims, each associated with the six reward traits. Among those whims are several whims for individual careers. Each of those whims will only turn up in a Sim has certain traits or skills, so they won’t be random.
Once again, the new whims are based on Wants from Sims 2 and should line up fairly nicely.
The Technical Details
Because of the number of associated whims, this mod does require a large number of packs:
Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats & Dogs
Get Famous
Discover University
Outdoor Retreat
Dine Out
Realm of Magic
Bowling Night
Toddlers Stuff
My First Pet Stuff
I do intend to release a Base Game Compatible version of the mod in the not-too-distant future, so keep an eye out for that. *EDIT* ~ Thanks to the testing of Crosimmer and Kate Fosk, it appears the mod operates well even if you don’t have all the packs listed above. There are no errors and no crashing so you should be fine to use it even if you don’t have every pack listed.
This mod also requires the XML Injector by Scumbumbo/Triplis. If you don’t install this mod, the rewards will not show up in the reward store. Don’t worry; the XML Injector doesn’t add anything to your game, it just allows this mod to work as intended.
The mod currently supports the following translations:
English (Me)
Dutch (Britt Boons)
French (Kimikosoma)
German (Hendrik McSims)
Polish (webkinzfrog)
Portuguese (Viniciusvill)
Spanish (Sabrina Garcia)
Known Issues
~ The ‘Ask To Move In’ whim isn’t specific. By that, I mean it doesn’t yet define WHO your sim wants to have move in. Every attempt I’ve made to change this has failed so far but I don’t give up very easily. Right now though, the whim won’t come up unless your sim is in a relationship (Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Engaged), so it won’t come up too often. Additionally, it may come up after your Sim is already living with their Significant Other. This will hopefully be improved upon later when I can solve those issues.
~ I have yet to see the Adopt A Cat whim show up in game. Adopt a Dog shows but not the cat. These are both Maxis whims but if anybody does see the Adopt A Cat whim, please let me know. That way I know it isn’t an issue on my end. I’ll continue to look into this. *UPDATE* It turns out this is perfectly fine. Thank you to Jay on Twitter for confirming this for me!
Planned Updates
In the future, I plan a few updates for the mod:
~ New whims: I want to include some new whims relating to later packs. Additionally, I want to include a few more to line up better with Sims 2; particularly for Pleasure, Family and Romance sims.
~ Interaction Menu: I have had a request for an interaction to add the traits to the Sim, so I will be working to include this in an update soon(ish).
Without the following people, this mod would never have come to light:
AnotherPlumbob, for the idea and for early testing and feedback.
Zer0 and Mirai M on Discord for their input and suggestions to get started.
Scumbumbo for creating the XML Injector and Triplis for updating and maintaining it.
Zerbu for the Mod Constructor
The creators of Sims 4 Studio
Sabrina Garcia, Britt Boons, Hendrik McSims, Kimikosoma, Viniciusvill and webkinzfrog for translating!