The Selvadoradese Owl Career
*** Created and tested with Get Famous (not required) and Game Version – December 20, 2018 Update (November patch definitely required) ***
PLEASE NOTE: You WILL need the newest Neia Career Commons file (included in download) also!
Also, just as an FYI (because I thought it was a bug and was about to completely embarrass myself on Neia’s forum)
as of the last patch, EA removed the “ideal mood” for rabbit hole careers.
Oh… You knew that already… Soooo… It was just me? Okay then…. Carry on.
This one has been rolling around in my head for a while. It’s based on the Maltese Falcon. Sam Spade, Brigid O’Shaughnessy, Casper Gutman…oooohhh it’s a gritty, hardboiled film noir classic. If you like mysteries or old movies, I highly recommend it. Both the movie and the book are amazing. I got stuck on the idea of making it into a career and here we are.
You can play through the story as the detective, the femme fatale, the villain, his minion or his gunsel flunky. I set up a Sim for each character and had a great time making them act out the story (as much as the game would let me anyway ). Each level of the career is a chapter of the story and you can read it by hovering over the career icon on the career tab. Finally, hours and wages are based on EA careers. All of the skills on this one are base game.
So.. slap on your fedora and pop the collar on your trench coat. It’s time to solve the mystery of…
The Selvadoradese Owl
In 1539, the shaman craftsmen of Selvadorada paid tribute to Charles V of Spain by sending him a sapphire owl encrusted with jewels from golden beak to precious metal pedestal. But pirates seized the galley carrying this priceless idol and the fate of the sapphire Owl remains a mystery to this day. Choose wisely Simmer. Hard-boiled detective, femme fatale, sniveling sidekick, bungling gunsel or vile villain… all paths have their merits, but only one will solve the mystery of… The Selvadoradese Owl.
The Narrator
The Selvadoradese Owl transports you back to a time when the good guys were bad, the “dames” were worse, the nights were dark, and everyone smoked indoors. This is hard-boiled detective noir, where nobody walks away happy, and the best a good guy can hope for is live until the end. Settle your fedora over your eyes and flip the collar on your trench coat. Or marcel your hair, put on your red lipstick and killer heels… OR, press your white suit, grab a flunky and practice that evil laugh. We have a mystery on our hands Simmers. How will you play it?
Ideal Mood: Fine
Hourly Wage: 16
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Objectives: None
Path 1: Stan Spade the Detective
There’s a treasure to be found and a good-looking dame. Stan Spade is the man for the case. He’s tough as nails. His mind is quick, and his morals are ambiguous. But is he the hero or a sucker for a pretty face? Spade works for the crooks and the police. But one thing is certain, he’s working for himself more than anyone else!
Chapter One
Our story begins when the beautiful and distressed Ms. Wonderful walks into Spade’s office. It turns out she’s a knockout with money. And she wants to hire the services of a private detective to find her missing sister, who supposedly ran off with a crook named Thursday. You and your partner, Starcher don’t buy it. But with the money she’s paying, who cares? When Starcher and then Thursday are murdered, you realize you’re getting in deeper than you bargained for.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 34
Daily Wage: 272
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Fitness 2, Logic 2
Chapter Two
You’re back in your office. The newspaper headlines link the murders of Starcher and Thursday. The police think you’re guilty. The phone rings. It’s Ms. Wonderful. She tells you to meet her at the Saxophone Apartments under the name LeRouge. When you question Ms. Wonderful about the murders, she confesses that her real name is Bridget O’Pancake, but she won’t tell you anything else. Still she wants to pay you. The tears look real and you’re as much of a sucker for a “dame” in distress as you are for a big payout!
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 42
Daily Wage: 336
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Fitness 3, Logic 3
Chapter Three
Back at the office, you have a visitor; a man with a fancy cane named Mr. Giza. Giza is looking for a blue statuette of a bird, and he’ll pay $100,000 for its recovery. The next thing you know, Giza has a gun pointed at you. He frisks you to make sure you’re not armed, but you’re better with your fists anyway. You disarm Giza and knock him out. When Giza comes to you realize he thinks you already know where the bird is. You agree to search for the Owl. Heck, you even give him his gun back.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 57
Daily Wage: 399
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Fitness 4, Logic 4
Chapter Four
Leaving your office, you’re tailed by a man in a trench coat. He isn’t very good. He seems to bump into everyone on the street along the way. You catch a cab, so does your inept tail. You ditch him and go back to Bridget’s apartment. You tell her about meeting Giza. You tell her that you’ve been offered big Simoleons to find the bird. Bridget says she can’t match the offer. “What else is there I can buy you with?” she asks. You can’t pass up a straight line like that. You’re in.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 73
Daily Wage: 511
Schedule: M-WTFS-
Objectives: Fitness 5, Logic 5
Chapter Five
Slowly, you figure out that Giza and the man tailing you are working for Casper Gutson, Bridget’s former boss. You confront Gutson and his henchmen and they tell you the legend of the Owl. Gutson offers you a cool two million Simoleons for the Owl. You drink together as you consider it and the room blurs. You’ve been drugged. When you wake up, you’re alone. You search the room and find nothing, but a page ripped from the newspaper. A ship arriving from Hong Kong is circled in pen!
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 94
Daily Wage: 564
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Fitness 6, Logic 6
Chapter Six
There’s a ship at the docks alright. And it’s on fire! You head back to your office and have barely settled in when a man stumbles in with a bundle. He’s Captain Jacobs of the Hong Kong freighter. He says the package is the Owl and then he collapses, dead. The phone rings and it Bridget. She says she is in danger. She screams, and the line goes dead.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 147
Daily Wage: 588
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Fitness 7, Logic 7
Chapter Seven
The address Bridget gave you was a fake. When you get home, she stumbles out of the shadows exhausted. The kid tailing you is behind your door and Gutson and Giza are in your living room! The cheek! You offer Gutson the package and he gives you… $10,000?!?! Well, yeah… seeing as how they have you at gunpoint, they think that’s fair. You tell them you need a fall guy for the trail of bodies piling up and Gutson offer you the tail… his other flunky, Wilber Snook.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 172
Daily Wage: 688
Schedule: –WTFSS
Objectives: Fitness 8, Logic 8
Chapter Eight
With the kid as a patsy, you want the truth and nothing but. Gutson admits the kid, Wilber, shot your partner to scare Bridget into working for him. The kid accidently set the boat on fire while searching it. He also shot the Captain at Bridget’s apartment. They bullied Bridget into calling you for help. Gutson tells the kid, they will be turning him over to police, he loves him like a son, but, “If you lose a son, it’s possible to get another. There’s only one Selvadoradese Owl.”
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 202
Daily Wage: 606
Schedule: MT-TF–
Objectives: Fitness 9, Logic 9
Chapter Nine
The Owl arrives and Gutson tears into the package. It is the Owl… but it’s a fake! You blame Bridget. It’s the one she bought after all. Giza blames Gutson and bursts into tears. Gutson could care less. On with the search! You keep $1,000 for your trouble. Gutson admires your nerve and offers to work with you as he continues his hunt for the Owl. Er… no thanks. After everyone leaves you call the police and tell them where they can find the kid, Giza and Gutson. They’re going down.
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 293
Daily Wage: 1172
Schedule: M—TF-S
Objectives: Fitness 10
Chapter Ten
Back at your office, you confront Bridget. The kid couldn’t have killed your partner. Your partner was too good, and the Wilber was a clutz. They only person who could have gotten close enough to do the deed was… Bridget. She shot him to frame you and then ran to you for protection when she found out Gutson was after her. She cries. She loves you, she says. Yeah right. You’re done playing the sap. You turn in Bridget, the evidence AND the fake bird. You don’t have the bird, the broad or the $100,000, but you’ve solved the case.
The End
Ideal Mood: Focused
Hourly Wage: 407
Daily Wage: 1628
Schedule: M-WTF–
Objectives: Logic 10
Path 2: Casper Gutson the Villain
The Fat Man. That’s our villain, Caspar Gutson. Wealthy, cunning, and obsessed with a sapphire bird, Gutson is ruthless. He’s honest only in that he doesn’t deny his ruthlessness. Gutson only cares about getting the Selvadoradese Owl, and unlike Bridget, he doesn’t try to hide it. Play him for fun… Cross him at your peril.
Chapter One
Spades partner, Starcher is dead. He’s been hired by Bridget O’Pancakes. Bridget suckers Spade into working for her. She’s desperate…. and beautiful. But you’re rich… and rich. Rich trumps everything. At the office, Spade has a message from you. Now he’s coming to meet with you at your hotel suite. Time to make something happen. You want that BIRD!
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 19
Daily Wage: 114
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Objectives: Mischief 2
Chapter Two
In your room, you let the boy you’ve had following Spade invite him in. You shake his hand and take his measure. You share a drink. Sure, you know what the bird is and what the fuss is all about. But you won’t tell him unless he finds it for you. As Spade storms out, Giza shows up. He works for you too! Of course, he does. You have plans, and more plans to get that bird.
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 27
Daily Wage: 189
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 3, Logic 2
Chapter Three
Back in your room, Spade agrees to a $100,000 payoff to find the bird. You tell the story all the way up to a mysteriously murdered dealer who sold it to a Russian general. Said General wouldn’t sell, so you sent some “associates” to get it. They never returned. If Spade finds the bird, the 100 large is his, plus Ľ of the sale from the Owl. You drink on it, but Spade’s drink is drugged! When he wakes up, you’re gone. Too bad one of your henchmen left a clue!
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 33
Daily Wage: 231
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 4, Logic 3
Chapter Four
The ship circled in your newspaper is at the docks, and it’s on fire. Geeze Wilber is a clutz. Setting the ship on fire while searching doesn’t help with anything. You and your goons decide to search Bridget’s apartment. The Captain is there with a package! He escapes in a hail of bullets. Bridget is the only play you’ve got left, so you make her call Spade and send him on off on a wild goose chase while you search his place too.
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 42
Daily Wage: 252
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 5, Logic 4
Chapter Five
No luck. If Spade has the bird, it isn’t here. But he should be home soon. You send Bridget to meet him in the hall. Wilber opens the door for him, and you and Giza are having a drink in his living room when Spade gets home. The gangs all here! Spade says the Captain’s dead, but he brought Spade the bird, and he sends for it. At last!
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 116
Daily Wage: 696
Schedule: –W–S-
Objectives: Mischief 6, Logic 5
Chapter Six
You give Spade an envelope of $10,000 in exchange for the Owl. He doesn’t like being shortchanged but who cares! You’re negotiating at gunpoint so what you say goes! Spade offers to give up the Owl (as if he has a choice), but he needs a fall guy for the murders; his partner and the Captain. Spade and Wilber tussle and Spade knocks him out. You’re sure you can work something out.
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 273
Daily Wage: 1638
Schedule: –W–SS
Objectives: Mischief 7, Logic 6
Chapter Seven
You offer Wilber as the fall guy, but Spade wants the truth too! Fine, sure why not. You had his partner killed to scare Bridget into telling you where the owl was. Wilber plugged him. He also set the boat on fire and shot the Captain while he was trying to escape with the package. You bullied Bridget into calling Spade. Wilber wakes up and you inform him, he’s to be the fall guy. Sure, you love him like a son, but, “If you lose a son, it’s possible to get another. There’s only one Selvadoradese Owl.”
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 319
Daily Wage: 2233
Schedule: –W–SS
Objectives: Mischief 8, Logic 7
Chapter Eight
Bridget leaves to get coffee, and you advise Spade to “be careful” of her. The sun starts to rise, and you tell Spade you want that Owl! Spade send for the bird and finally the Selvadoradese Owl is in your grasp.
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 383
Daily Wage: 2681
Schedule: M–T–S
Objectives: Mischief 9, Logic 8
Chapter Nine
The doorbell rings. It’s the package. Your hands practically shake as you tear it open. At last the Selvadoradese Owl stands before you in all its glittering blue splendor. Maybe a little… too glittering. You pull out your pocket knife and scrape at one of the blue stones. It’s not sapphire! It’s paste! The Owl is a fake!
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 445
Daily Wage: 3115
Schedule: M-WT–S
Objectives: Mischief 10, Logic 9
Chapter Ten
The room explodes. Spade blames Bridget, who says that it’s the one she got from the Russian. Giza blames you for attempting to buy it and blowing the plan. He starts to cry. Meh. It’s all part of the game to you. You want your $10,000 back but Spade keeps a grand for his trouble. You like his style and offer to hire him as you continue your search for the Owl. He turns you down and then sends the police to your hotel! A suite full of guns, money and evidence? Your hunt for the Owl is over. You’re going down Gutson!
The End
Ideal Mood: Confident
Hourly Wage: 575
Daily Wage: 3450
Schedule: MT-T—
Objectives: Logic 10
Path 3: Bridget O’Pancakes the Femme Fatale
A French term meaning “deadly woman,” a femme fatale uses her femininity to lure men to do her bidding, leading them into compromising, often deadly situations. That’s you all over girlfriend. You’re an experienced liar and a skilled manipulator, not to mention completely irresistible. But will that be enough to get prize?
Chapter One
You come through the doorway. You advanced slowly, looking at Spade with cobalt-blue eyes that are both shy and probing. You’re tall and pliantly slender, with curves everywhere. You wear two shades of blue that had been selected because of your eyes. You’re name? Ms. Wonderful. Your sister in trouble. She’s run off with a man named Tuesday. And you need to hire Stan Spade and his partner, Starcher.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 16
Daily Wage: 96
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 1
Chapter Two
Well, that went south fast. Spade’s partner is dead, and Tuesday is too. It’s time to confess. Your name isn’t Wonderful. It’s really Bridget O’Pancakes. The murder’s happened over a mysterious bird and now you’re in danger too. Your story is suspect, but your eyes are still big and blue and you’re no less beautiful. You’re also in mortal danger and everyone knows, no hard-boiled detective can resist a damsel in distress. Spade takes your money and your case.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 23
Daily Wage: 138
Schedule: MTWTF–
Objectives: Charisma 2, Logic 1
Chapter Three
Spade then comes to your apartment. He doesn’t believe you and he tells you he’d being followed by a clumsy idiot and some sap name Giza. You admit you know the name. Spade tells you he knows about the bird and doesn’t believe it’s some worthless statue either. Not if Giza is offering $5000 for it. You can’t match that offer, but, “What else is there I can buy you with?” you ask. He grabs you and kisses you. Time to ply some feminine whiles.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 29
Daily Wage: 174
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Objectives: Charisma 3, Logic 2
Chapter Four
The buzzer buzzes, and Spade lets Giza in. Giza saw the clumsy kid, too. You say you’ll have the Owl in a week. It’s where your partner Tuesday hid it, but you’re afraid to touch it…because of what happened to your partner. “The fat man,” three words that seem to frighten Giza. You and Giza argue, and Giza pulls his gun on you, but Spade disarms him, “When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it!” What. A. Man!
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 35
Daily Wage: 175
Schedule: M-W-FS-
Objectives: Charisma 4, Logic 3
Chapter Five
Giza leaves Spade alone with you. He asks you what the owl is, why is everyone going crazy over it? You say you don’t why it’s so important, although someone paid you $1000 to get it from its previous owner. Giza made off with it, so your partner took it from Giza and hid it. Spade doesn’t believe you. You insist there’s some truth to your story, but “not very much.” Outside, the weird boy in a trench coat is still watching Spade’s apartment window.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 56
Daily Wage: 280
Schedule: M-W-FS-
Objectives: Charisma 5, Logic 4
Chapter Six
At the office, you are waiting by Spade’s desk to tell him that your apartment was ransacked. You blame Spade for letting the boy follow him. Spade needs to find a place for you to live temporarily, so and he asks his secretary to put you up for a few days. The secretary agrees, and you slip out the back door. You just need to hide until the bird arrives.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 97
Daily Wage: 388
Schedule: M-W-FS-
Objectives: Charisma 6, Logic 5
Chapter Seven
At the courthouse, the district attorney asks Spade who killed your partner. Spade won’t tell him what he knows. The only way to clear his name is to stay away from the law and bring the bad guys in himself. After meeting with Gutson, Giza and Wilber (the mysterious tail). Spade find’s a clue circled in a newspaper which leads him to a ship.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 156
Daily Wage: 624
Schedule: M-W-F–
Objectives: Charisma 7, Logic 6
Chapter Eight
The ship is at the docks, and it’s on fire. Of course, it is. The Captain is meeting you with the Owl. Too bad Giza and Wilber get there first. The Captain escapes in a hail of bad guy bullets, but Gutson and the gang threaten you until you call Spade and ask him to meet you at a fake address. You scream for his help and the line goes dead.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 278
Daily Wage: 1112
Schedule: M-W-F–
Objectives: Charisma 8, Logic 7
Chapter Nine
Eventually, everyone meets up again at Spade’s place. The Captain made it to Spade’s office before dropping dead. But, the Owl is a fake! Gutson blames you for getting the wrong bird. Giza blames Gutman for getting involved before you tracked down the right bird. There are tears. But you don’t care. You’re no worse off than you were before, and the bird is still out there.
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 389
Daily Wage: 1556
Schedule: M-W-F–
Objectives: Charisma 8, Logic 9
Chapter Ten
There’s still one body unaccounted for though. Spade confronts you and tells you there’s no way that idiot Wilber could have killed his partner. It had to somebody who could get close and never be suspected. It had to be YOU! You plead. You cry. You love him. You and Spade could find the real bird and make a life for yourselves. Spade looks you in the eye, “It’s bad business to let the killer get away with it.” He turns Gutman and his crew in and gives you, the evidence to the police. What. A. Man!
The End
Ideal Mood: Flirty
Hourly Wage: 540
Daily Wage: 2160
Schedule: M-W-F–
Objectives: Charisma 10, Logic 9
Path 4: Joel Giza the Minion
With his gardenia-scented calling cards, his perfectly groomed hair, his fashionable wardrobe, Giza is a stylish mystery man. He’s loyal to Gutson, but the rest is a mystery. Giza wants money. He wants the Selvadoradese Owl, and that’s all we know about him. Do you dress well, lurk constantly? Perfect! Be an evil sidekick!
Chapter One
Spade has a visitor: a man with a fancy cane named Mr. Giza. You’re looking for a blue statuette of a bird, and you’ll pay $5,000 for its recovery. When Spade hesitates, you pull your gun on him!
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 16
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Objectives: Mischief 1
Chapter Two
You frisk Spade to make sure he’s not armed, but Spade is better with his own arms than any firearms. He disarms you and knocks you out. When you come to, and you say you’ll still pay $5,000 to find the figure. Spade agrees to search for the bird. As you leave, Spade returns your gun.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 17
Daily Wage:
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 2, Logic 1
Chapter Three
Spade looks out his window and sees the kid who has been trailing him. You buzz in and say you’ve seen the boy too. Bridget says she’ll have the Falcon in a week. It’s currently where her partner hid it. She’s afraid to touch it…because of what happened to her partner. “The fat man,” three words that give you a shiver of delightful fear. You pull your gun again on Bridget and demand to know where the bird is!
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 23
Daily Wage:
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 3, Logic 2
Chapter Four
Spade disarms you again: “When you’re slapped, you’ll take it and like it!” Enough is more than enough. You leave Spade alone with Bridget. After you leave, Bridget tells Spade “the truth.” She doesn’t know why the Owl is so important, although someone paid her $1000 to get it from its previous owner. You made off with it, so her partner took it from you and hid it. Spade doesn’t believe her. Outside, the weird boy in a trench coat is still watching Spade’s apartment window.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 32
Daily Wage:
Schedule: -TWTFS-
Objectives: Mischief 4, Logic 3
Chapter Five
Spade marches into your hotel, picks up a phone, and demands to speak to you. He intercepts you returning to the hotel, but you won’t talk him. You know nothing and you’re saying nothing. Your boss Gutson tells Spade another version of the truth and offers him $100,000 plus a share of the sale for the bird. It’s your great pleasure to drug Spade and knock him out. You and your boss leave to meet the ship that is supposedly has the Owl among its cargo.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 43
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MTWT–S
Objectives: Mischief 5, Logic 4
Chapter Six
It doesn’t. So, you all hightail it to Bridget’s place. You threaten her and she’s right in the middle of playing stupid when the ship’s Captain arrives with a package! You shoot, but he gets away. Nothing to do now but send Spade on a wild goose chase while you search his place again. A little more “convincing” and Bridget cooperates by making a screaming call to Spade with a fake address.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 73
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MTWT–S
Objectives: Mischief 6, Logic 5
Chapter Seven
You’re waiting in the living room of Stan’s apartment. Gutson gives Spade an envelope of $10,000 in exchange for the Bird. Spade doesn’t appreciate being shortchanged, but since both you and the kid have your guns pointed at Spade, he doesn’t have a lot of choice. Spade says he has the Owl and he’ll give it up. But they need a fall guy to take the blame for the murders, or else the police will blame him. It’s you or Gutson’s other flunky, Wilber… and it ain’t gonna be you.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 103
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MT-T–S
Objectives: Mischief 7, Logic 6
Chapter Eight
The doorbell rings. It’s the Owl. Spade demands the truth and he gets it. Sort of. Wilber killed Bridget’s partner. He also set fire to the ship by “accident.” Everyone was shooting at Bridget’s, so it may as well have been him that plugged the Captain too! A good flunky is as hard to find as the Selvadoradese Owl, so Wilber is the chosen flunky. Too bad.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 143
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MT-T–S
Objectives: Mischief 8, Logic 7
Chapter Nine
Annnnd the owl is a fake. Paste jewels and plated gold. Spade blames Bridget, who says that it’s the one she got from the Russian. You blame Gutson for attempting to buy it, and blowing the plan. You call your beloved boss a “stupid fathead” and starts to cry. But, Gutson doesn’t seem to take it too hard. He decides to leave and continue pursuing the statue. A good flunky is indeed hard to find so he takes you with him.
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 204
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MT-T–S
Objectives: Mischief 9, Logic 8
Chapter Ten
Too bad Spade isn’t playing along. He calls the cops and tells them that Captain Jacobs and Bridget’s partner were killed by Wilber Snook, who was employed by Gutson and worked with YOU. He tells them where you’re staying. You’re going down. So yeah, you start out a flunky and you stay a flunky. You don’t even get the statue. But at least your boss is awesome.
The End
Ideal Mood: Playful
Hourly Wage: 287
Daily Wage:
Schedule: MT-T–S
Objectives: Mischief 10, Logic 9
Path 5: Wilber Snook the Gunsel
The mysterious trench coated… clutz lurking in the shadows. Sure, you trip over our own feet. You bump into people when you’re supposed to be tailing someone. But that doesn’t mean you’re not dangerous. When a dirty deed needs doing, you don’t hesitate. Love to lurk and happy to do whatever it takes? Be a gunsel!
Chapter One
You follow the enigmatic Ms. Wonderful to the offices of Spade and Starcher. She spins a yarn about a missing sister who she believes is with a man names Tuesday. Her “sister” is in danger. She needs the detectives to find her and find the missing man too. Well, the sister doesn’t exist, and soon the man and Starcher don’t either.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 16
Daily Wage: 91
Schedule: MTWTFSS
Objectives: Fitness 1
Chapter Two
Someone has killed Starcher, Spade’s partner. And less than a half an hour later, the missing man Thursday is found dead too! The police don’t have any suspects but Spade. But what happened to Ms. Wonderful? She phones Spade and asks him to come to her apartment where she confesses that her real name is Bridget O’Pancakes. Thursday was her partner, someone killed him and they’re after her too! Spade takes the case. What a sap!
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 23
Daily Wage: 138
Schedule: M-WTF-S
Objectives: Fitness 2, Mischief 1
Chapter Three
Back at his office, Spade is threatened and then offered money to find an elusive sapphire idol, the Selvadoradese Owl. Spade leaves his office and you tail him. Unfortunately, you trip over your own feet and bump into at least three bystanders. He ditches you. But you catch up with him outside his apartment. Bridget is “convincing” him she has something to offer besides money. Hubba Hubba!
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 32
Daily Wage: 224
Schedule: -TWT-S-
Objectives: Fitness 3, Mischief 2
Chapter Four
You watch outside the window as Giza shows up. The dame is definitely up to something. Giza is acting like he doesn’t know you, so you play along. Giza pull a gun on Spade. He gets disarmed and slapped for his trouble. Bridget lies some more about not knowing what the Owl is. You wish you had popcorn.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 43
Daily Wage: 344
Schedule: -TW–SS
Objectives: Fitness 4, Mischief 3
Chapter Five
You follow Spade to Giza’s hotel. He’s demanding to speak to Giza and you’re still following like the dedicated flunky you are. But you’ve been made. Spade sits down right next to you while you’re hiding behind a newspaper. He tells you he knows you’ve been following him. You really have to work on this tailing people thing.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 63
Daily Wage: 504
Schedule: MT-T–S
Objectives: Fitness 5, Mischief 4
Chapter Six
Spade comes to meet with your boss. You open the door and stare him down. Your boss offers Spade money to find the Owl but won’t tell him why. Spade throws a snit and leaves. You follow him to courthouse where the DA tells Spade he is going down if won’t tell them what he knows about Thursday and Starcher’s murder. Spade refuses. Brilliant. You tell him Gutson wants to see him.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 84
Daily Wage: 588
Schedule: —TFSS
Objectives: Fitness 6, Mischief 5
Chapter Seven
Back at the hotel, Gutson tells him the story of the Selvadoradese Owl. He offers Spade $100,000 to find it and 25% of the sale. Giza drugs Spade and you all leave to intercept the Owl… Which for some reason is coming in on a freighter from Hong Kong. You don’t know why. You just work here. Someone dropped a slip of newspaper that basically tells Spade where you’re all going, but we’re sure it wasn’t you.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 93
Daily Wage: 651
Schedule: -T-T–S
Objectives: Fitness 7, Mischief 6
Chapter Eight
You search the freighter. The Captain is gone, and the bird is nowhere to be found. You manage to accidentally set fire to the boat. The whole boat. On fire. But whatever, all Gutson cares about is that bird. You all head over to O’Pancake’s place. If she’s working with the Captain, that’s probably where he’ll turn up next. He does. You shoot him. He escapes. He escapes with the dang bird.
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 124
Daily Wage: 744
Schedule: -T-TF–
Objectives: Fitness 8, Mischief 7
Chapter Nine
You threaten O’Pancakes until she calls Spade and sends him off on a wild goose chase to a fake address while you search his place for the Owl. It isn’t there. But when he turns up, he says he has it. He’ll give it up for the money, but he needs a patsy to go down for the murders. Gutson offers him you. Wait. What? But you’re like a son to him! “If you lose a son, it’s possible to get another.” Says Gutson, “There’s only one The Selvadoradese Owl.”
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 176
Daily Wage: 1584
Schedule: MT-T—
Objectives: Fitness 9, Mischief 8
Chapter Ten
Well there may be only on The Selvadoradese Owl, but this one isn’t it. It’s a fake. Spade lets you all go (like he had a choice with all the guns in the room pointed at him), but he calls the police and turns you all in. Well, mostly you, for the murder of Thursday and Captain Jacob. But Gutson and Giza too. You’re all going down, but at least nobody else gets the Owl!
The End
Ideal Mood: Energized
Hourly Wage: 257
Daily Wage: 2056
Schedule: M-WT—
Objectives: Fitness 10, Mischief 9
Career cheat is tested and working!
testingcheats on
And then:
careers.promote career_Adult_TheSelvadoradeseOwl
This is pretty different and 100% my own creation (well except that its based on Dashiell Hammett’s classic novel and John Houstons equally classic screenplay) but, trust, a LOT of work went into it. ? So…
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to solve the mystery of The Selvadoradese Owl. I hope your Sim enjoys living ALL their detective noir dreams.
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.