The Sims Castaway Stories Careers
~ Update 06/08/2018 ~ Updated and works with Game Version ~
Castaway Stories are finally here! These careers are from the Sims Castaway Stories, so if your Sims are stranded on an island then these jobs will be perfect for them!
As there are no food or resource points in the Sims 4, they have both been combined into Simoleons. For all three careers, Sims work every day for three hours like in Castaway Stories, but the pay makes up for it. They are one track rabbit hole careers and there are currently no chance cards, daily tasks etc but I will add them in the future!
You will need Outdoor Retreat to use these careers! Made with Game Version
Crafter Career
Sims will need to craft new items if they want to survive in the wild! The essential part to being a Crafter is to know what resources they need, or otherwise they won’t get very far.
Level 1: Leaf Holder
$32 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: None
Sand, sun and water are difficult to hold, so what else can you do with your hands out here? The overall springiness of leaves doesn’t lend itself to a decent origami crane, but the frog is a good bet. You also won’t be able to make one of those paper fortune tellers, but whether or not your secret crush knows you’re alive probably doesn’t matter so much right now.
Level 2: Basket Weaver
$53 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 1
Apparently surviving on a deserted island involves a lot of carrying things back and forth, and there aren’t a lot of usable salvaged containers around. Those rushes over there? They could be holding things for you. It looks like underwater basket weaving wasn’t such a useless subject in school after all.
Level 3: Flintknapper
$75 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 2, Logic 1
Fire? Check. Dancing origami frogs? Check. Lightweight containers? Check. Need a finer edge for a homemade skinning knife? Apply a few skill-relevant Stone Age tool-making techniques and a bit of sinew and you’ll be flaying up a storm in no time!
Level 4: Homesteader
$96 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 3, Logic 2
It’s definitely still a fixer-upper, but you’ve acquired the skills and knowledge to keep your domicile as livable as possible given your surroundings. “Open concept” housing is all the rage, and you’re certainly on the cutting edge.
Level 5: Scrap Technician
$117 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 4, Logic 3, Painting 1
Before, you looked at the broken items and other bits of material lying along the beach as junk, but now you see more possibilities in what was previously unusable. You can also turn anything you really can’t use into avant-garde lawn sculpture.
Level 6: Tinkerer
$139 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 5, Logic 4, Painting 2
In your current predicament, you’ve discovered that simple machines are good for more than discussion topics for children’s science programs, the pulley, wheel and axle and the inclined plane all save you a great deal of work throughout your day, although getting food to prepare and cook itself for you will require an altogether different kind of mastery.
Level 7: Builder
$160 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Objectives: Handiness 6, Logic 5, Painting 3
Your skill and proficiency have allowed you to progress from simple machines to simple carpentry. Although you’re not going to make your place into a fashion doll’s dream house anytime soon, you can foresee a towel rack next to the potty bush in the near future.
Level 8: Bamboo Engine
$181 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Objectives: Handiness 7, Logic 7, Painting 4
In this tropical setting, it’s almost impossible to not go with tiki-themed interiors, to the extent that you even have interiors. At least you have bamboo, and you have lots of it. Bamboo is almost like blood, here. It’s like… life.
Level 9: Artisan
$202 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Objectives: Handiness 8, Logic 8, Painting 7
You have mastered the raw and salvaged materials of the island, and now you can assemble them all with remarkable aesthetic flair. The ease with which you collect and create is certainly something never would have thought yourself capable of before you arrived on the island.
Level 10: Inventor
$224 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Inspired
Objectives: Handiness 10, Logic 9, Painting 7
Congratulations, you have arrived at the ultimate level of materials mastery, the creation of the improbable. Sure, plant-based electronics sound weird on the face of it, but that schematic for building a television set out of some cured bamboo, a few coconut rinds, and a couple of razor blades that washed up on the beach is certainly interesting enough. If anyone can make electricity from rubbing two sticks together, it’s you.
Hunter Career
If the Sim doesn’t become the Hunter, then they will become the hunted. Sims will need food to survive, whether it’s fish, fruit or meat, so learning the tricks of the trade will certainly be of benefit!
Level 1: Snail Chaser
$36 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: None
Snail racing never made for good television, but mere cameras can’t do justice to the thrill of seeing that shell in the distance and gunning to pull up close, only to see it lay on some speed and fade into the distance once again. One day you’ll bring down the big game, but you’ve got to learn to outrun gastropods that carry their houses on their backs before you can fly.
Level 2: Hoop Jumper
$53 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 1
When that person at the circus made the lion do all those silly things, it didn’t make much sense to you at the time, but in your current predicament there’s obvious value in having the local wildlife do at least some of the things you want at least some of the time. You’ll have to understand how to get through that hoop if you expect others to do it for you. Be the animal. Hup!
Level 3: Tracker
$71 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 2 Fishing 1
A broken twig, a trampled leaf, a pile of you-know-what. These are the things you have to find, recognize and interpret as you learn to track your new roommates across their natural habitat, just try not to trample anyone underfoot in the process.
Level 4: Scout
$89 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 5 Fishing 2 Charisma 2
You’ve learned to see the animals’ trails up close, and now it’s time to get to know the land you track them across. Use the stars and trees as your guide; and since search parties and reality show film crews are scarce on Felicity Island, don’t count on earning your fifteen minutes of fame by falling headfirst into a ravine.
Level 5: Stalker
$107 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 5, Fishing 2, Charisma 2
You’ve combined the techniques of tracking and scouting, and now you can follow animals across the land closely and unnoticed. Here’s hoping your neighbors spend their days and nights doing something interesting or you might have to go back to throwing rocks for fun.
Level 6: Ranger
$124 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 6, Charisma 3, Fishing 2
Over the course of stalking the island’s inhabitants, you’ve gotten to know some of their habits well, and can look out for their best interests as well as your own. As far as you can tell, everyone’s diet is supremely healthy, but something has to be done to invigorate the nightlife on the island before you swim out to sea and hope the currents pick you up just to escape the boredom.
Level 7: Bushmaster
$143 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 7, Charisma 3, Fishing 3
As you’ve become more knowledgeable about the ecology and grown bolder in your actions, the smaller animals of Felicity Island have come to recognize you as a friend. Although you don’t actually speak any of their languages, you could swear that you’ve been asked for dating advice at least once.
Level 8: Cheetah Whisperer
$160 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 8, Charisma 5, Fishing 4
They were never as scared of you as you were of them, but you’ve found the courage to approach and interact with the jaguars of Felicity Island. After looking them in the eye and talking to them, you have both realized that you’re not so different after all. You’re all just looking for the next good meal.
Level 9: Warrior
$178 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 9, Charisma 6, Fishing 5
As you’ve mastered your environment and the animals within it, you find yourself moving with a certain and precise grace which you never dreamed you were capable of back in civilization. Swift and staunch in protecting the jungle’s inhabitants, you feel yourself close to mastering the surroundings you once feared.
Level 10: Law of the Jungle
$195 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Confident
Objectives: Fitness 10, Charisma 9, Fishing 6
When you washed up on the beach alone and scared you never imagined that you’d feel the trees bow and see the animals move aside as you passed, and yet it feels as if they do. It’s another beautiful day in the jungle. Your jungle. Care to rearrange the food chain?
Gatherer Career
Any survival guide will tell you that should you ever be stranded in the wild, gathering resources for shelter should be your number one priority. Without them being stranded will be a lot more challenging, so make sure you start looking!.
Level 1: Leaf Gatherer
$34 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: None
Leaves. They’re everywhere around here, like the sun, sand and water. The sun, sand and water — they keep slipping through your fingers, don’t they? No matter how hard you try. The leaves, though, they don’t. They can’t. Collect them, name them, stack them and store them. These are the first steps toward a greater understanding of your surroundings.
Level 2: Scrounger
$54 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 1
The leaves are only one aspect of the island’s plants and the land, and what they can tell you. More things, more clues, await you underneath these leaves and off of the beaten path. Take some time and look more closely at the things you didn’t know were there. There’s a lot to discover.
Level 3: Pack Rat
$73 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 2 Cooking 1
Every day, when you go out to walk, you see more and more — fallen leaves, small stones, interesting clumps of soil and strange seeds. Bring it all back home where you can overflow your shelves, baskets and makeshift jars. These ordinary treasures of the island are yours to surround yourself with.
Level 4: Collector
$92 Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 3 Cooking 2 Herbalism 1
You’ve managed to gather at least one of everything you’ve found around your camp. Now all you need to do is find out what each thing is, what else it belongs with, and where they fit together. Collecting things as a child made easier to understand for you, and you’re sure it will be just as enjoyable this time around.
Level 5: Trailblazer
$112 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 4 Cooking 2 Herbalism 2
You’ve done an excellent job finding, identifying, collecting and organizing everything in your immediate surroundings; but there’s a lot more to find further afield. To be a truly first-class collector, you’re going to have to master traveling around the area you seek to catalog. It’s a big island, and there are lots of things to gather.
Level 6: Tree Hugger
$131 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 5 Cooking 3 Herbalism 3
Tree hugging has its origins in environmentalism, but the only dangers to the trees here are from the elements, and you can’t do much about those. Still, it is nice to have some familiar contact with a living thing. It’s even nicer to have some familiar contact with a living thing that can’t misinterpret your actions and maul you in self-defense. Trees: faithful friends and safe targets!
Level 7: Herbalist
$151 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 6 Cooking 4 Herbalism 4
Do you feel a cold coming on? There’s this flower you discovered last week that would be absolutely great for that if you boiled it up as a tea. Got a cut? You know which pollen to use to clot it right up. Feeling lonely? You don’t have a remedy for that, but there are still trees you have yet to hug.
Level 8: Naturalist
$171 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 7 Cooking 6 Herbalism 5
This certain group of insects pollinates those plants. That animal eats the plants and produces waste. The other group of insects processes the animal’s waste to fertilize those plants; and the sun rises now and then so everyone can see what they are doing. You understand how everything fits here, now.
Level 9: Curator
$191 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 7 Cooking 8 Herbalism 6
You’re confident that your collection of the island’s artifacts is as complete as you’re going to get for now. Not only have you identified and cataloged all of it, you’re ready to restore anything that goes missing. If you find the last leaf of a certain species of tree, you’ll have a sapling ready to go and a good idea of where to plant it.
Level 10: Shaman
$210 Per Hour
PTO Per Day: 0.25
Ideal Mood: Energized
Objectives: Gardening 9, Cooking 10, Herbalism 7
Nature. Plain. So common. Almost invisible — until you observe, think and learn. Over time, you have realized that there is so much in the natural world that you will never fully comprehend Felicity Island and your place in it, and that one piece of knowledge has opened you up to even greater understanding. The spirits of the land have revealed themselves to you.
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
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Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.