Video Game Developer Career TS3 To TS4 Remake
TS4 Game Dev career remade for TS4!
Made for the latest game version (
Most of the data was taken from the Sims Wiki, however skills where mostly made from my own logic. (Since ‘Nerd Influence’ isnt a thing in TS4)
Video Game Developer
Do Sims Dream of Pixel Sheep? We don’t know! But you could certainly develop a game about it!
Main Skill focuses:
No Branch: Video Games / Charisma / Painting / Logic
Engineer (4-6): Programming (Focus) / Logic (Secondary)
Artist (4-6): Painting (Focus) / Programming (Secondary)
Both: (5-9): Charisma (Focus) / Writing (Secondary)
LEVEL 1 – Game Button Tester
Everyone has to start somewhere, and there’s no better way to get in on the ground floor than as a Game Button Tester!
Wage P/Hour: 26
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M – – – F S S
Objectives: Video Gaming (2)
LEVEL 2 – Assistant Concept Artist
[Your Sim here] paid their dues and earned a promotion: Assistant Concept Artist! Time to break out the coffee for those long nights!
Wage P/Hour: 32
Mood: [/I]Focused
Days of Work: M T – T – – S
Objectives: Painting (2) ; Video Gaming (3)
LEVEL 3 – Quality Assurance Manager
You can only draw so many downloadable coffee tables before snapping. [Your Sim here] craved a shot at leadership, and earned a promotion to Quality Assurance Manager.
Wage P/Hour: 39
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Logic (2) ; Charisma (2)
It’s all about those 1s and 0s for [Your Sim here]! Becoming a Video Game Engineer is going to take a lot of coffee and headaches. Break out that rubber duck!
LEVEL 4 – Code Monkey
[Your Sim here] has been poring through the programming books, and they’ve finally mastered lf-Then statements!
Wage P/Hour: 48
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Programming (4) ; Logic (2)
LEVEL 5 – Game Programmer
Now that While loops are a cinch, [Your Sim here] is ready to be a Game Programmer!
Wage P/Hour: 65
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Programming (5) ; Logic (3)
LEVEL 6 – Senior Engineer
After programming enough core systems in a video game, nobody else really knows how they work. [Your Sim here] made him/herself indispensable – congratulations, Senior Engineer!
Wage P/Hour: 101
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Programming (6) ; Logic (4)
LEVEL 7 – Technical Director
Software engineers earn respect the hard way, which earned [Your Sim here] a promotion to Technical Director!
Wage P/Hour: 144
Mood: Focused
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Writing (4) ; Charisma (6)
LEVEL 8 – Lead Designer
[Your Sim here] paid their dues, rising through the ranks to Lead Designer. Without a hands-on role, [Your Sim here] needs their writing and social skills more than ever.
Wage P/Hour: 220
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Writing (5) ; Charisma (8)
LEVEL 9 – Executive Producer
[Your Sim here] is an Executive Producer: a role where he/she can simply tell underlings, “I want it this way.” Any problems that arise are THEIR problems.
Wage P/Hour: 393
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Writing (6) ; Charisma (10)
LEVEL 10 – Game Studio Head
A string of excellent Ubercritic scores have elevated [Your Sim here] to a Game Studio Head! Be ready for the ‘Thanks [Your Sim here] {0.SimLastName}’ jokes!
Wage P/Hour: 987
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M – W – F – –
Objectives: N/A
While some people think in code, [Your Sim here]’s dreams in technicolour! Becoming a Video Game Artist might involve long nights of staring at tablets and getting RSI, but in the end, without them, there’s no game for the engineers to make!
LEVEL 4 – Pixel Pusher
Management has its perks, but in Quality Assurance you’re not managing people so much as sentient beasts. It’s time to pick up a digital pen and paintbrush, Pixel Pusher! Still you’ll need the basics of programming to know how these pixels will lie in the end!
Wage P/Hour: 48
Mood: Inspired
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting (4) ; Programming (2)
LEVEL 5 – Character Modeler
Awesome painting skills has lead [Your Sim here] to a promotion to Character Modeler! Now this is where art and programming really collide!
Wage P/Hour: 65
Mood: Inspired
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting (5) ; Programming (3)
LEVEL 6 – Senior Animator
“The hands are too big!” “The feet are too small!” All that iteration has finally paid off and [Your Sim here] is now a Senior Animator, where they’ll have more control.
Wage P/Hour: 101
Mood: Inspired
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Painting (6) ; Programming (4)
LEVEL 7 – Art Director
A promotion to Art Director means a lot of control and responsibility, so crack that whip!
Wage P/Hour: 144
Mood: Inspired
Days of Work: M T W T F – –
Objectives: Writing (4) ; Charisma (6)
LEVEL 8 – Lead Designer
[Your Sim here] paid their dues, rising through the ranks to Lead Designer. Without a hands-on role, [Your Sim here] needs their writing and social skills more than ever.
Wage P/Hour: 220
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Writing (5) ; Charisma (8)
LEVEL 9 – Executive Producer
[Your Sim here] is an Executive Producer: a role where he/she can simply tell underlings, “I want it this way.” Any problems that arise are THEIR problems.
Wage P/Hour: 393
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M T W T – – –
Objectives: Writing (6) ; Charisma (10)
LEVEL 10 – Game Studio Head
A string of excellent Ubercritic scores have elevated [Your Sim here] to a Game Studio Head! Be ready for the ‘Thanks [Your Sim here] {0.SimLastName}’ jokes!
Wage P/Hour: 987
Mood: Confident
Days of Work: M – W – F – –
Objectives: N/A
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use 7zip (recommended), WinRAR (Windows) or Stuffit (OS X) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s). OS X also has a built-in utility for that (just rightclick).
3. 1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract all the files from the .rar
3. Cut and paste all the files into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Make sure to place Neia_Careers_Commons.package with the other files in your Mod folder! You need that for the mod to run!
Need more information?
For a full guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.