Windenburg Map Override
After roughly a YEAR since first starting this project, I can now finally call it finished!
This one took me so long because this is my most in-depth map override of them all so far. Not only have I redrawn pretty much 75% of the map texture, I have also gone in and corrected the rotation and location of many of the Lots.
I may have gone a little overboard with the amount of details I’ve packed into the map in some areas, Olde Platz especially (so many houses), but I think it still matches the original aesthetics and the rest of the maps in the game.
This mod overrides four (4) image files and a World Map resource.
The images have Instances 59F012E640ECCAD2 and 59F016E640ECD19D with Groups 00064DC9 and 00064DCA
The World Map resource has Instance 07512D800595E8CC with Type 1CC04273.
Any other mods that override these same resource will conflict.
This override has been made possible thanks to the UI Texture Squasher tool created by CmarNYC, the Sims 4 Image Viewer by luniversims, spazmunki13’s Map Lot Roatation Fix, and a script created especially for the task of identifying Lots more easily made by Lot51.
The map textures are twice the size of the originals to eliminate bad artifacting and pixellation on the water details which occurred during the conversion process with the original size images.
This replacement also overrides the hover-glow effects and the Eco Footprint boundary outlines to better fit the new Lot locations.