Working Class Hero: Part Time Careers as Full Time
This is apparently broken now. I’ve understood that nearly all career mods broke recently. I will try to update it, so bear with me!
Built with Seasons patch PC / Mac
It always bothered me that there were no normal jobs in The Sims 4, particularly no working class jobs. Every job ends with your sim being super wealthy and able to build their dream home. Well, I like more realistic gameplay, and so the Working Class Hero project was born! This is its tender beginning, with a series of teen part time careers turned into adult full time careers with five levels each. So far there’s Barista, Fast Food Employee and Manual Laborer, but I also intend to add a Retail Employee career to this post, eventually. Just have to make it first. Basically, these are the teen careers with a couple of levels added on top. The pay is crap, and missing work at the lower levels will get you fired.
Manual Laborer
Description: You’ve entered the ranks of the working class. It won’t make you rich, but it might make you happy. Start out doing menial tasks, and you may one day lead your own construction crew.
Level 1: Landscaper
Mood: Focused
Salary: §25/H
You’re working your way up the ladder in the landscaping world, flexing not just your muscles, but your artistry as well. Sure, you’re mostly working off other people’s designs-planting, digging, raking, mowing-but every so often you get to make a fleeting mark on your clients’ verdant tableaux.
Level 2: Backhoe Operator
Mood: Focused
Salary: §30/H
Every kid goes through a digging phase, but no tiny scoop and plastic pail on the beach can ever compare to the sheer awesomeness of breaking into the earth with a backhoe!
Level 3: Excavator Operator
Mood: Energized
Salary: §35/H
Now you’re working with the big machines! Digging is what you do, so the construction workers can build the foundations. Just remember, do not operate heavy machinery while on your meds.
Level 4: Construction Worker
Mood: Energized
Salary: §46/H
You lift, you lug, you hammer. Sometimes you get to operate the forklift. Don’t forget to wear your hardhat!
Level 5: Foreman
Mood: Energized
Salary: §79/H
You finally run your own construction crew! Congratulations, you’re the boss. It’s your job to keep your crew happy and motivated, so don’t slack off just cause you’re in charge. Somewhere high above you there’s a CEO who’ll fire you at the drop of a hard hat if you don’t meet your deadlines, and don’t you forget it!
Fast Food Employee
Description: The fast food industry spans the globe, and now you’re a part of this global community. This job is not for the ambitious, and you’ll work long hours for little pay, but it pays the rent. Only one thing is certain: now you know how they’re made, you’ll never look at a burger or a chicken nugget the same way again. Time to consider going vegan.
Level 1: Table Cleaner
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §14/H
You missed a spot! Working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week sounds brutal, but there’s no union for table cleaners, and even if there was, the HAMBURGERMAN! CEO is too rich to care. Many of your colleagues don’t even speak Simlish. Make sure you sweep up, keep the tables clean, and clean the toilets once in a while. And remember to smile at the customers!
Level 2: Fry Cook
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §18/H
Into the fryer, as they say. Your hours are still ridiculous, but you’re down to a five day work week and your pay is up, so that’s not nothing. Working the kitchen can be stressful, but bear with it, and remember to keep your cooking skills fresh.
Level 3: Food Service Cashier
Mood: Confident
Salary: §22/H
Congratulations, you are now handling the money! And since you’re now a face rather than an invisible force that makes food appear, you get to work normal hours. Since you work less now, it’s technically a drop in pay, of course. Remember to always wear a smile, and brush up on your arithmetic. Wouldn’t want any cash to go missing. If it does, you’re out on your butt.
Level 4: Shift Manager
Mood: Confident
Salary: §28/H
As Shift Manager, you have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies, sometimes literally. Motivate the other employees, help out in the kitchen when short-staffed, and for Watcher’s sake, double check your cashiers’ work, because ultimately, on your shift, it’s your responsibility.
Level 5: Restaurant Manager
Mood: Focused
Salary: §35/H
Not as glamorous as it sounds, but at least you’re in charge now, even if it is on behalf of The Man. Admittedly, a lot of it is paperwork, and making sure the money goes to the right places, and keeping the kitchen stocked, and interviewing job applicants, and… Well, you get the picture. That doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes have to get your hands dirty, though. There will be days when you’re needed on the floor, and you may have to put in some overtime. You have a duty to your superiours to keep everything running smoothly and to make a profit. At least it’s a living wage, though. You can now live comfortably.
Description: People need coffee like they need air, and now you’re the one who serves it to them. Wear a smile, practice your milk foaming skills, and try not to get frustrated with all the tired, grumpy customers who come into the shop. Remember, after they get their dose of caffein, they too will be smiling!
Level 1: Coffee Stain Remover
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §13/H
This is your first step into the exciting world of caffeine distribution systems. But of course you can’t be responsible for pouring coffee until you prove you can handle mopping floors, setting up chairs, scrubbing mugs and keeping those frothers and foamers shiny!
Level 2: Bean Blender
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §16/H
At last, you can drop the dishrags and become one with the art of fine coffee! Grinding together the finest organic beans from around the globe, you are now a master bean blender, a true mixologist whose arresting combinations of aggressively bold aromas and subtly nutty undertones please every palate.
Level 3: Latte Artiste
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §20/H
Bravo! You have ascended the barista ranks and seized control of the frother. Now in charge of crafting sumptuous espresso drinks, adorned with a dollop of feather-light froth which you arrange in cute patterns. You know you’re a true artiste.
Level 4: Shift Manager
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §25/H
You still make the coffee, but you are now also in charge of keeping your coworkers in line, and at the end of the shift, you’re the one who counts the money and keeps the inventory. After all, you can’t leave that in the hands of those artisy hipster slobs, like you used to be.
Level 5: Coffee Shop Manager
Mood: Inspired
Salary: §35/H
You’ve risen through the ranks, and now you’re in charge. Your job includes stocking inventory, handling the day to day economy, and, most importantly, trying out new blends of beans so your coffee shop can stay competitive in the growing market of obnoxious hipster coffee art.
Hope you enjoy!
Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
If you don’t have a Mods folder, just make one.